iOS Lobby Chat Bugs

This forum is used to report bugs that happen while playing the Tablet version of the game.

iOS Lobby Chat Bugs

Postby Kittlyn98 » Sat Apr 02, 2016 2:34 pm

Tablet - iPad Mini
Version - 9.2.1

Chats from previous lobbies end up carrying over to all other lobbies you join. The only indication of the "new" chat are the stats of the amount of games/players online.

Example 1, First Lobby: Classic Game (Aka, where it begins) -

Example 2, Second Lobby: Custom Game -

Example 3, Third Lobby, Chaos; All Any Game -
(Geekydragon9700 affirms the bug is happening to him too)

And a side note, as seen in the third screenshot, the chat does not move to another line when it's reached a certain amount of characters. Instead it continues as a singular line, disappearing out of view.
Posts: 6
Joined: Sat Sep 12, 2015 1:45 pm

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