The Room 10: Rivals

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The Room 10: Rivals

Postby Jalandh » Mon Jan 14, 2019 10:54 pm

Welcome to the first room game hosted by me, also please join this for Room updates etc. Credit to Sh99er and Timur for the original game idea!
The Room: 10

The Basics & Room Phase:

You start of in a room with 1 other person. Both of you will PM me with your choice: Truce or betray. If you both pick Truce then you both get 1 point, if you both pick betray you get 0 points but if one of you betrays and the other truces then the traitor gets 2 points and the loser loses 2 (but on day 1 the loser will lose 1 point).
If you are inactive during Room Phase then I will make you pick truce (unless you tell me your going afk or give me an answer in advanced).
You all start with 2 points. If you get to 0 points you're dead. Once someone gets to 10 points The Door will open (somewhere), the door will stay open (wherever it is) until a person (or people) find and go through the door, then it will close at the end of the day but the time it closes can vary depending when the door was opened (anyone with 10 points will get a hint everyday to the door's location). Everyone who escaped wins and everyone who didn't go through it loses. If no-one has 10 points the door will close until someone reaches 10 points again. You can also win via LMS, which means you must be the last person alive and then the door will automatically open in front of you.

Exploration Phase:
Spoiler: After Room Phase is done I will post a list of everyone who is alive or dead/died and I will say whether each person chose to betray or truce but only you will personally know your points.
In Exploration Phase you will start of in the lobby: there are multiple places to explore in this phase but you may not escape it until The Door spawns. These are the main rooms that cannot disappear: Lobby, Showers, Toilets, Dormitories, Cafeteria, Medical lab, Gym, Gaming lounge and an Indoor Swimming pool. There are also bunch of secret and locked rooms called non-mains that you may enter/break into or unlock during this phase (these rooms can always appear and disappear or even change what's inside them).

There are ways to kill players but direct combat is off unless your role states that it is allowed (if you try and direct attack someone you will lose 1 point and fail the attack), Indirect combat is allowed, this means you can poison people, use traps, sneak attack (if they notice you doing the sneak attack or manage to dodge it/defend themselves from it, you will lose 1 point) and another way to kill is via team-up (there are of course more ways to kill). Team-up killing must have a minimum of 2 people included and a max of 5. All included people must agree to team-up kill, this is basically a stealth kill but with more people aloud to help/see/do the kill. For the team-up kill to be successful you must both have stealth lower than the target, if one of you or more have more stealth than the target then the attack fails, you both lose a point and the weapon(s) you used to kill the target are deleted.

There are also scattered and hidden items around the area. You must eat and drink at least once everyday...well you don't have to but you can die of dehydration/starvation (more info on this in the character section). Food crates and Drink crates are all in the corner of the cafeteria. In each food crate there are 8 rations of food and in each drink crate there are 8 bottles of water.

There are events that can sometimes happen. Exploration phase ends in 36 hrs (and you automatically go to bed in your room) but if around 75% of the players do /skip phase, the phase will auto-end! Then Night Phase starts and after that I will start Room Phase again and the next day begins. If you are inactive in Exploration Phase, you will stand still in the lobby and do nothing unless you tell me that you are AFK or leaving for a reason etc.

Night Phase:
Spoiler: This phase lasts 12hrs. Some roles may do actions here otherwise you will fall asleep in your dorms BUT you can always wake up and explore more.

I will PM each person a room number with their role when they start. You can be killed while asleep in your dorm room so make sure you lock the door. In the day if someone breaks into/unlocks the dorms they may enter rooms and trap your beds etc unless the dorm room door is locked.

At night you may challenge 1 room number to a fight, if they accept the fight then you will both be transported into an arena and fight (direct will be enabled and only 1 night duel is aloud per person unless you are a NightLurker) if no-one dies by the time 12 hrs is up then the fight becomes a draw and you go back to sleep. If one person fighting PM's me 'mercy please' and the other replies with a PM saying 'show mercy' then the fight ends early but all wasted/broken/stolen items are still like that and any injuries you get are kept, so basically whatever happened in that fight is real and carries on to the next phases etc.

Spoiler: Any NPC could have a quest for you, completing them can give you points, items even help from that specific NPC. Some quests will only be given to you if certain stats (mostly friendliness) are high enough or if you start talking on a specific subject.

Spoiler: Every person will have a Rival. You will not know who your rival is, only what role they have.

If you both Ally, then you both gain one. However, if one rival was to successfully betray the other, they would gain 3 instead of 2.

If you participate in the death of your rival, you gain 2 points

The Map:
Spoiler: Image
Key: Red = vending machine, Light brown = non-main rooms, Normal door = Main room, T = Toilet, light blue boxes = drink crates, light green boxes = food crates, pink = Kitchen area Black door = Master-Locked (the dorms are Master-Locked and off bounds to everyone (except Guardian who has a master key) until it's night and you need to go sleep)


Spoiler: You may all speak to each other using your radios in this thread. If your in the same place as someone I will notify you, you may whisper with that person as long as they are in your same room (basically you can PM each other, just include me too). PM me your actions etc...and no speaking if your dead unless I do an event that lets the dead do something, which will be rare. Room phase will end after everyone PM's me their choice. Alliances are aloud. Before you vote Truce or Betray I advise you privately talk to your fellow player (through PM's and include me) as maybe you can both decide on a Truce or do the opposite...There are also vending machines in the lobby but they require coins to buy from, everyone starts with 5 coins except for thief who starts with 10 (you can find more coins and also if you manage to kill someone you'll get their coins). Also killing via sneak attack/brutal attacks will increase your insanity, so you have to try and lower it via video games etc.

Each role has special knowledge on a certain topic(s) so Doctor might have knowledge on which medicine/potion is which or Musketeer on Military tactics (advanced planning) etc...these knowledge's can be passive or not, like weapon skill's knowledge affects how well you use weapons but with crafting, it'll be me giving you hints/recipes etc. If your confused on a knowledge feel free to ask me.

Role Alignments explain what a role is more likely to do in the game. There are 2 main alignments and 3 subs in each. The 2 main are - Physical and Mental. Physical roles all have skills based around game play of surviving combat or dealing with the environment, Mental roles have abilities around the point system or odd mechanics.

Sub alignments consist of the following -
Physical Chaos - These roles have no set way of play and don't fit in with the others
Physical Violent - These roles are made to essentially go around killing other players off
Physical Passive - Their abilities are more around ones own survival and safety
Mental Chaos - These roles have mechanics unlike any other that cause disruption to the normal flow of the game
Mental Violent - These roles have abilities that harm others but not directly or in non-direct combat
Mental Passive - These roles have abilities that help themselves over harming or disrupting others

Character Sheet:

Name -
Physique (weak, average or strong) -
Height (short, average or tall) -
Looks (you can be as simple or as detailed as you like) -
Personality -

Height can affect certain rooms/travelling, combat and some events:
Spoiler: Short = Harder to knock over, takes less fall damage, can recover quicker, cannot climb easily, can fit through small gaps easier, has less reach etc...
Average = The median between the two.
Tall = Easier to be knocked over, takes longer to recover, can't fit through small spaces very well, can climb easily, has more reach etc...

Physique can affect how hungry/thirsty you get and how strong you are in combat/enduring damage:
Spoiler: weak = can survive 3 days without eating and 1 day without Water but you are weaker in combat
average = can survive 2 days without eating and you aren't too weak or too strong in combat
strong = can survive 1 day without eating and you are stronger in combat


Roles will not be shown upon death.
Spoiler: Physical Chaos:
Parasite (made by Sh99er) - Take someone’s role by "killing" them. Each day you are Parasite you will lose 1 point. When you kill a player, they don’t die, instead you just swap roles with them (e.g. you shoot them in the head, they don’t really die, you just take their role and they become Parasite)

(made by Sh99er) - Can make clones of yourself. Unless all clones are killed you won’t die so if you ‘die’ you will switch bodies. It will cost 1 point to summon a clone then that 1 point will go towards the newly summoned clone’s total. If a clone dies, it’s points are lost (each clone has a separate point total but they all add up into 1 big total also only 1 clone can enter the room). You control all clones and know what’s happening with all them (eg; 3 points. I make 2 clones, so 1 point each. 1 clone dies, I now have a total of 2 points). Curses, Magic, Potion effects and certain mental states/tricks can affect all clones and yourself.

Yandere (made by Sh99er) - You will be given a player of choice to have as your Love. If they die you will fall into the depths of insanity (so 100% insane). While alive, your lover will gain double points from trusting you (you get none). If someone gives your lover a negative effect or has a failed attack, you may directly kill them for 1 day, the tar-get would get "You have angered the Yandere", Same applies for whoever kills your lover (except that you would be told the killer’s name and they can directly kill back). Your Senpai is simply told "You have a Yandere after you" at the beginning of the game. You cannot kill or betray your Senpai.

Sidekick - When taking part in team attacks, your stealth does not matter. Your whispers may not be heard by any high stealth users except for a Night-time NightLurker or a Sidekick Copycat. You can ask a player privately to be your official ally, if they agree you both cannot kill each other or fight each other during night fights (you may only have 1 ally at a time, if your current ally dies, you cannot have another one but your ally's dead body can still give you bonuses). If either one of you are taken into a night fight, you both enter. When near your ally you get 50% of their stats on top of yours and 1 random knowledge they currently have.

Physical Violent:
Trapper - You start with 2 bear traps (if you get caught by a bear trap you lose 2 points and are stuck in place until you get your body part out, that body part will also bleed and be badly injured) and 1 tripwire trap (on trigger it will trap the person inside a tough roped net, people can kill you while you’re in this net as you can't fight back and you won't be able to explore anymore that day unless your role has something for this or you find a way to escape the net).

Musketeer - You start with a handgun that has 3 morph-bullets, they basically fit in any gun and you have a Kevlar vest. Killing give you less insanity

Shadow(made by Sh99er) - You can blend in with shadows making you impossible to be seen until you do a violent action or move out of the shadows into light. You have a dagger.

Gladiator - You can challenge someone to a brawl (3 times) and you don’t have to be in their room to brawl. When selecting someone to brawl you must pick a stat: Stealth, Strength, Speed or Friendliness. If you win the ’stat battle’ you get 2 points but if you lose the battle you lose 1 point. If you opponent loses then they can be directly combated by you for 1 day but if they win then they will know who you are and can directly combat you!

(made by Sh99er) – In night phase your stats all go to max but in exploration phase your stats all go to 1. You start with invisible knuckledusters equipped but when you die they become visible until someone else wears them. You cannot die at night unless you accept/are forced into an arena fight. You can challenge up to 10 dorm rooms in 1 night to a fight.

Soldier (made by Sh99er) - If anyone uses their ability on you or attacks you (Directly or not, failed attacks count too) you can directly kill them until the same time tomorrow (in-game time).

Electrician (made by multiuniverse) - Once an exploration phase you can disable a room's lights. You start with a wire cutter. You also start with an Electrocuter that has 3x uses, Electrocuters (when used) can charge whatever they touch with high power electricity so in theory you could charge a metal handle that connects to a metal floor turning that floor charged too. You cannot be electrocuted.

Archer - Starts with an unbreakable bow and 4 unbreakable arrows. They also magically improve every time the arrows hit an enemy, block an attack (robin hood style), or other things up to the hosts discretion.

Savage (made by SkyW) - Can heal wounds by eating a certain amount of meat (must specify food is being used for healing) if no wounds then all other negative things are lessened by 1/2 including insanity. For every injury you get your stats go up by 2 (the severity of the injury or amount of injuries needed to activate this will be to the host’s discretion), being healed will remove your stat boosts from this ability.

Physical Passive:
Guardian = You are immune to being robbed (cannot be looted when dead or pickpocketed etc) and you have a master key that can open any locked door (once per day), you may also lock a door (once per day)

Survivalist - Has 4 bottles of water, 1 poison antidote and 4 food rations. Has a stab and bullet proof vest along with a swat helmet. Also starts with a combat knife.

Technician (Multiuniverse had the original idea for Builder which was then adapted and fused into this by me) - Starts with a toolbox that includes a hammer, screwdriver, nails, planks, and a wrench. You are better at building, barricading, and using tools as well as designing and making tech. Makes/crafts items 50% faster and only uses ½ the items needed to craft.

Drug dealer - Start with an injection of heroin (whoever injected with this is addicted, if they don’t get more within a day they die), morphine injection (basically the injected body part doesn’t feel pain), a pack of cocaine (whoever snorts this will get +3 speed but -1 strength for the whole day), a cigarette lighter and 3 blunts of weed (whoever inhales the smoke will get +1 to all stats except stealth which is decreased by 1 and be high)

Watchman - Once per room phase, you may pick a person, you will be notified if they are nearby you (After night phase ends, it resets). Has 3 trip-wires that will tell you when someone passes it, and who they are. Also has 1 unnoticeable camera that can be placed into a room of choice. All items are impossible to detect unless looked for specifically and you have high stealth or you have a certain knowledge/item that helps. All items are re-deployable.

Mental Chaos:
dɘƨɿɘvɘЯ - Your goal is reversed, for the door to open you must reach -10 points. When you reach this, the freedom door being opened will not be announced to anyone except yourself however you will not get hints to the door’s whereabouts. You will die if you reach 6 points, you start at -2 points. If you try and direct attack someone you will gain 1 point and fail the attack. Your immune to insanity.

Maniac - Insane immune. If you are killed by someone or your death was assisted by a player, then you will respawn as a ghost at the next night phase. Every night phase you may choose a player’s/main NPC’s body to possess til the next night phase, you cannot possess insane or insane immune people. If the body you’re in is killed while being possessed by you then you die. Currently possessed dead bodies cannot be revived. If the Mani-ac's original dead body is revived, then he will stop possessing and go back to his OG body.

Gambler - You may select one player who will be the bounty, and a bounty hunter (they are not publicly announced). If the bounty hunter kills/causes the death of the bounty, they get rewarded with 2 points. If they don't, they get punished by losing 1 point and the bounty gains 1 point. The gambler may select if they think the bounty hunter will be successful or not, if they are right, they get a point and if they are wrong, they lose a point. If you don’t select a Bounty/Bounty Hunter, then you may set an extra Bounty/Bounty Hunter the next day etc (max 3 stacks on one person at a time). If the points gained from a bet can make you go to 10 or more points, the Bounty is made public.

(made by sh99er) - You can Bind, Link and Tie 2 people together in different ways. Bind 2 people together - they will now share point loss and gains. Linking 2 people together - They can now talk to one another from anywhere but if one dies, both die. Tie - The 2 people must always be in the same room/always travel together and they will al-ways be each other’s opponent in Room phase. Each effect lasts for a whole day cycle but can also go away if one of the people affected dies. You may Bind, Link or Tie once per day phase and once per night-phase, can’t do the same one twice in a row. If Soul-Binder dies, their spells still stay active.

Hexer (made by sh99er) - Has 2 types of curses. Violent and Passive. A violent curse will reverse a player's Room Phase benefits (if they were meant to get +1 they lose 1, if they lost -2 then they gain +2 etc). The curse is put on at the beginning of Room phase before votes are locked in. The curse lasts for 2 room phases. A passive curse is like violent as it lasts for 2 room phases but it lets you steal your cursed targets gained points. Certain items can break curses. When you or the Hexer dies, the curse also goes. When someone is cursed they will be notified 'You have been cursed by a Hexer'.

Mental Violent:
Traitor = If you successfully betray on day 1 then you can choose to make your opponent lose 2 points instead of 1 and if they are put to 0 points then they will have til next room phase to get out of 0 points or they die. You start with a pen knife (betraying also gives you 3 points instead of 2 and you have the choice to make your opponent also lose 3 points instead of 2).

Poisoner = Every exploration phase you may poison something and you are immune to poison

Thief = Every day you may check how much points a player has and find out some secrets about them. You may also steal a random item from someone’s inventory (there is a 1/3 chance that your robbing will fail and everyone in that person’s room will find out that you tried to rob the person)

Duellist (made by Sh99er) = You have 2 duels. You can choose to Verse someone in a point battle but you must be in the same room as them. You decide the win condition: A) You have more points B) you have less points than them C) you have the same number of points. If you win A, you get 1 point (they lose 1 point), If you win B, you switch points, If you win C, you get half their points. If you lose A) you lose the difference between your points and theirs, lose B) you go down till you have the same amount as them and if you lose C) you lose 1 point but they gain 1 point. You can’t duel the same person again until they gain or lose points to something else.

Necromancer (made by Zinkeron) - Goes insane 50% slower and doesn’t lose sanity seeing death. Can "resurrect" dead players with a ritual to serve him. Can only "resurrect" 3 players. The players that are resurrected aren't informed of this and neither are the other players so they are basically NPC minions. The people that the necromancer resurrects do his bidding, fighting for him, getting resources for him, etc. "Resurrected" people cannot be revived until they die or their undead curse is lifted. Minions can be directly killed but can direct kill you. Minions cannot be killed while your afk unless they were doing an auto-action

Conman (made by skyW)- Choose any 1 person in room phase switching their vote (truce or betray). In night phase you may send a fake fight challenge to 2 people, if they both accept then they’ll fight each other instead of you but you can spectate the fight still.

Beastmaster (made by multi) - Can understand and communicate with animals and can tame animals with the right items. Starts with an unbreakable wooden whistle that can summon a pet Dog. Can only have "natural" beasts as pets (no mutants / monstrosities). Has a limit of 2 large, or 3 medium, or 5 small animals (excluding your pet dog). Animals can direct and be directed if none other than the victim (and you) can see them.

Mental Passive:
Hippy = Successfully trucing with someone will give you 2 points instead of 1 and if you get betrayed you will lose 1 less point, and you also start with 1 bottle of water & 2 sandwiches. Killing gives you more insanity which is harder to get rid of.

Doctor = Immune to poison and you may revive a dead player other than yourself (once) making them loyal to you (so they can't betray you if you're in a room with them and can’t indirectly kill you) but the revived player will be forced to follow you about in exploration phase

Medium – You may speak to the dead in all phases (undiscovered bodies can still speak in the dead chat). In night phase you may select 1 dead person’s memories to relive (you will see what they did and what happened to them within 10mins of their death, you will also see their body for a minute after they die in their memories in-case you see how the body was dealt with etc), once per dead body or In night phase, you may ask a dead person to possess you til the next night (basically everything you do is controlled by the dead person, but you’ll be in a chat together so the medium knows what’s happening to them and what to say if necessary). You may relive dead people's memories when dead yourself. You also have 1 séance which lets you talk to a living person for a whole day (can be used when your dead or alive).

Copycat (made by skyW)- Choose someone to learn their knowledge that day only (knowledge can stack = no knowledge, basic, normal, and advanced). From the same person you picked, you will also copy all their current stats.

Predictor - You may make one prediction at a time. Successfully predicting various things/scenarios (up to host‘s discretion) will give you exact info of your choice, like item locations etc. The harder the prediction, the better info you can get.

Reflector - Any abilities used on you will be reflected on the person who used it on you and everyone in your room. (Excluding Yandere lover picking, Sidekick ally picking, parasite kills and Gambler bounty picking)

Upsurge (made by Sh99er) - The amount of points you have decides your stats. 1 point = 4.5 stat points.

Downturn - Every point lost gives you +5 in all stats. You can also spend a point to get +5 in all stats. For every 3rd point spent, you may give a person of choice +1 point or a person of choice -1 point

Role Stats:(NightLurker, Upsurge and Copycat aren't included because their role description says the stats)
Spoiler: Stealthiest: (affects quiet actions like sneak attacking or whispering, how well you notice things and pickpocketing)
Drug Dealer

Strongest: (affects how strong you are, weapon skills/recoil, pain resistance etc...)
Drug Dealer

Quickest: (affects your stamina, reactions and basic walk/running speed)
Drug Dealer

Most friendly to NPCs: (affects how nice to NPC's you are and your chances of helping/allying with them also this can help in special events)
Drug Dealer

So if you want to play please say /join and use the template posted/stated above.

Living Players:
1. Tiberius III (Gorotash)
2. Quiz (Quiz)
3. TJ (Gabby)
4. Prince Love (BRVR)
5. Fern (Chemist)
6. Enrique Heisenburg (Multi)
7. Sora (Sh99er)
8. Greg (TNF)
9. Kitsume (Albanix)
10. Wario (GreenRabbit)
(the ideal amount is 10 to begin with but 8 is also good)

Spoiler: This is where character sheets go:

Name - Tiberius III
Physique - Strong
Height - Short
Looks - Pale skin, gray-brown hair (the single color) and pale brown eyes. Wears a double breasted blue-gray shirt with gray buttons, with slightly lighter slightly more gray pants and dark gray boots. Also has a gray scarf.
Personality/Misc - Is an eunuch, completely castrated

Name - Fern
Physique (weak, average or strong) - Average
Height (short, average or tall) - Tall
Looks (you can be as simple or as detailed as you like) - Fern is a girl who wears a brown jacket and a white shirt underneath. She has brown hair tied back in a ponytail and brown eyes.
Personality - She is an amnesiac with a strong sense of justice.

Name: Prince Love
Physique: Average
Height: Tall
Looks: My avatar
Personality: Nice and Friendly until some things happen.

Name - Enrique Heisenburg
Physique - Average
Height - Short
Looks - Wears a crown, a royal cape and royal looking clothings. Looks regal.
Personality - Humble and adventurous

Name - Sora
Physique (weak, average or strong) - Weak
Height (short, average or tall) - Short
Looks (you can be as simple or as detailed as you like) - Long white hair, blood shot eyes, white skin. forked tongue (like Lizian) (has a slight lisp due to it)
Personality - quiet and self conscious, also scheming

Name - Greg
Physique (weak, average or strong) - weak
Height (short, average or tall) - short
Looks (you can be as simple or as detailed as you like) - blue hair green eyes wears jeans and long sleeve shirts
Wears sneakers
Personality - classified

name - TJ
physique - strong
height - average
looks - baby face with sharp eyes wearing a letterman's jacket, jeans and trainers
personality - you dont know whether to trust him or not based on his looks but you'll find out that maybe he's a nice guy after all or maybe not

Name - Bob
Physique (weak, average or strong) - average
Height (short, average or tall) - short
Looks (you can be as simple or as detailed as you like) - he wears a spoopy ninja mask so nobody knows what he looks like
Personality - unknown. he likes running

Short, weak
One of the sexiest men alive, Wario is an undestructible force of nature comparable to the gods. His fat gives him more to love, his yellow clothes are a wonderful fashion statement, and his mustache is amazing.
He has the best personality. Has a certian love for money.

Name - Kitsume
Physique - Weak
Height - Average
Looks - A pale girl with long, dark brown hair tied up into a bun with a sky blue hairband and a sky blue flower clip. She wears a sky blue scarf and cardigan with a white undershirt and skirt.
Personality - She is very kind to people she knows well, and is a smart-aleck around them. Around people she doesn't know, she is shy and doesn't talk unless talked to.

Dead Players:

None, but every role can roll[/quote]
Last edited by Jalandh on Tue Jan 15, 2019 5:18 pm, edited 7 times in total.
Use your full power. Take out your soul weapon, and do your best. Otherwise...


You'll die.
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Re: The Room 10: Rivals

Postby gabby100 » Mon Jan 14, 2019 11:53 pm

name - TJ
physique - strong
height - average
looks - baby face with sharp eyes wearing a letterman's jacket, jeans and trainers
personality - you dont know whether to trust him or not based on his looks but you'll find out that maybe he's a nice guy after all or maybe not
I remember doing the time-warp
Drinking those moments when
The Blackness would hit me
And the void would be calling...
Let's do the time-warp again!

since i keep being forgotten here's my FM records:
town aka getting citizen almost everytime:
TFM61 TFM62 NFM53 TFM65 NFM54 TFM66 15B VFM32 15F SFM46 16D ep XVII
evan forcing me do the VC...


GFM2.43 SFM48

before the rerolls happened:
ep XVI


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Re: The Room 10: Rivals

Postby TheNightmareFox » Tue Jan 15, 2019 12:28 am

Name - Greg
Physique (weak, average or strong) - weak
Height (short, average or tall) - short
Looks (you can be as simple or as detailed as you like) - blue hair green eyes wears jeans and long sleeve shirts
Wears sneakers
Personality - classified
Last edited by TheNightmareFox on Tue Jan 15, 2019 9:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
Man I can't come up with anything good to put here
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Re: The Room 10: Rivals

Postby sh99er » Tue Jan 15, 2019 3:34 am


Name - Sora
Physique (weak, average or strong) - Weak
Height (short, average or tall) - Short
Looks (you can be as simple or as detailed as you like) - Long white hair, blood shot eyes, white skin. forked tongue (like Lizian) (has a slight lisp due to it)
Personality - quiet and self conscious, also scheming
Check out my ideas:
My Guardian Faction
My Elemental Faction
My Spirit Faction
My Demon Faction

After agreeing that as Godfather id have my mafioso make food for me, here was a funny response.
Jezz wrote:Godfather: mafioso, make me a sandwich
Mafioso: ...we kinda should kill one of our enemies tonight sir
Godfather: no I'm hungry fuck you
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Re: The Room 10: Rivals

Postby Multiuniverse » Tue Jan 15, 2019 3:50 am

Name - Enrique Heisenburg
Physique - Average
Height - Short
Looks - Wears a crown, a royal cape and royal looking clothings. Looks regal.
Personality - Humble and adventurous

Thanks parker for the gif and SuperDuper for suggesting rotational sig
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Re: The Room 10: Rivals

Postby Chemist1422 » Tue Jan 15, 2019 6:42 am

/in tbd
mist ~ she/her

i guess this is goodbye?
(still here for danganronpa i guess)

stop sending reports to me i'm not a tos game moderator
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Re: The Room 10: Rivals

Postby Quizzicol » Tue Jan 15, 2019 7:53 am


Name - Quiz
Physique - Strong
Height - Average
Looks - Like someone with a plan...... really looks like they have an ego.
Personality - Quiet, too quiet
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Re: The Room 10: Rivals

Postby BRVR » Tue Jan 15, 2019 8:45 am

Name: Prince Love
Physique: Average
Height: Tall
Looks: My avatar
Personality: Nice and Friendly until some things happen.
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Re: The Room 10: Rivals

Postby Chemist1422 » Tue Jan 15, 2019 8:55 am

Name - Fern
Physique (weak, average or strong) - Average
Height (short, average or tall) - Tall
Looks (you can be as simple or as detailed as you like) - Fern is a girl who wears a brown jacket and a white shirt underneath. She has brown hair tied back in a ponytail and brown eyes.
Personality - She is an amnesiac with a strong sense of justice.

I definitely didn't remake a VLDR character that I really liked and used poorly
mist ~ she/her

i guess this is goodbye?
(still here for danganronpa i guess)

stop sending reports to me i'm not a tos game moderator
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Re: The Room 10: Rivals

Postby greenrabbit7 » Tue Jan 15, 2019 11:01 am


Short, Strong
One of the sexiest men alive, Wario is an undestructible force of nature comparable to the gods. His fat gives him more to love, his yellow clothes are a wonderful fashion statement, and his mustache is amazing.
He has the best personality. Has a certian love for money.
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Re: The Room 10: Rivals

Postby AlbanixAnubibus » Tue Jan 15, 2019 11:40 am

Join Backup

Name - Kitsume
Physique - Weak
Height - Average
Looks - A pale girl with long, dark brown hair tied up into a bun with a sky blue hairband and a sky blue flower clip. She wears a sky blue scarf and cardigan with a white undershirt and skirt.
Personality - She is very kind to people she knows well, and is a smart-aleck around them. Around people she doesn't know, she is shy and doesn't talk unless talked to.

P-edit: I just realized it's full...
P-edit 2: Character in.
Last edited by AlbanixAnubibus on Tue Jan 15, 2019 5:19 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: The Room 10: Rivals

Postby timurtheking » Tue Jan 15, 2019 11:57 am

/join as God

I have all intel
Check out my ideas:
The Philosophers (New Faction)
Witch Change/buff

Just remembering the good times when this forum was alive :))

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Re: The Room 10: Rivals

Postby Jalandh » Tue Jan 15, 2019 5:29 pm

Room Phase 1!

"Hello everyone my name is- clank then thump
Sorry you guys had to listen to that
Some asshole tried taking my spot as gatekeeper so uhh
Oh shit I need to go deal with something
Ill be back
Just don't go anywhere
That's right
You can't

Goro vs Multi
Sh99er vs BRVR
TNF vs Rabbit
Chemist vs Quiz
Albanix vs Gabby
Use your full power. Take out your soul weapon, and do your best. Otherwise...


You'll die.
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Re: The Room 10: Rivals

Postby Jalandh » Wed Jan 16, 2019 10:22 am

Room Phase 1 Results:

Betray - Goro vs Multi - Betray
Truce - Sh99er vs BRVR - Truce
Betray - TNF vs Rabbit - Truce
Truce - Chemist vs Quiz - Truce
Truce - Albanix vs Gabby - Truce

Exploration Phase starts now!
Use your full power. Take out your soul weapon, and do your best. Otherwise...


You'll die.
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Re: The Room 10: Rivals

Postby Jalandh » Wed Jan 16, 2019 11:24 am

Vidos body has been discovered by sh99er!

They appear to be stabbed in the back of the head!
Use your full power. Take out your soul weapon, and do your best. Otherwise...


You'll die.
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Re: The Room 10: Rivals

Postby Jalandh » Wed Jan 16, 2019 11:26 am

Gabbys body has been found by Sh99er!

They appear to have been stabbed in the back of the head!
Use your full power. Take out your soul weapon, and do your best. Otherwise...


You'll die.
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