Survivor: CvC- FINALE-The Sole Survivor.

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Re: Survivor: CvC- FINALE-The Sole Survivor.

Postby mdb1023 » Tue Sep 10, 2019 4:36 pm

The votes are in. It is time to crown the winner, for real this time.

First vote: Spoiler:
Trans wrote:I wanted to prepare a long ass speech but then I noticed I had very little and still wanted to do some other stuff today so basically this boils down to me saying this:
Both contestants have strengths and weaknesses.
N had the talking power,which let him reach the FTC even though he was the big target.
Timur had the immunity power, as he played very well at challenges in the end, making him invulnerable to his puny enemies.
Therefore my vote goes to:
N, because talking & finding idols is harder than winning those challenges that were at the end in this game, at least in my opinion.
Spoiler: The winner of Survivor Champions vs Contenders: N

Chemist wrote:this is a literal coin flip at this point
I think both of these people played great games
I think I can respect N’s game of playing both sides a little more, and he had a little more control than timur when it came to staying in the game (Tim needing 3 challenge wins)
/vote N

Tech wrote:it seems to me that N probably played the best of the three overall, though part of why I voted Chem over him was that his more quiet playstyle was something I liked better. When it comes to controlling things and doing "big" plays, N and Timur both tried to play that way, and it looks to me like N did it better.

Congratulations, N!

Modrant coming up soon!
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Re: Survivor: CvC- FINALE-The Sole Survivor.

Postby npromin1 » Tue Sep 10, 2019 5:07 pm

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Re: Survivor: CvC- FINALE-The Sole Survivor.

Postby mdb1023 » Tue Sep 10, 2019 6:56 pm

Oh boy, here comes the modrant.

I'll keep this relatively brief and just share some thoughts I had that pertain to each episode, as well as my thoughts on the game as a whole:

Overall, I think this game went really well. There were some hiccups here and there, as well as some things that didn't go as I had expected, but that's normal, especially when you try new things. I was pleasantly surprised at how quick the game was filling up and that I had to bump it up to 24, and was equally pleased with the performance of many of the new players. Seriously, you guys, I hope you stick around in our community, because you were awesome! Speaking of- Chemist will be posting signups for HIS first game of Survivor this weekend, so keep an eye out! And of course, I'll be sure to let you know on the server as well. In terms of twists- Outcast's Revenge was a bit more of a Flash in the Pan than I had hoped, though to be fair a lot of the interesting gameplay that could arise from it was from the Lovers Dynamic, and it didn't help that there were a lot of pairs of lovers unintentionally voted out early, and many who just simply weren't using the chat to its potential. But those who did use it to its potential did so very well, and I think that warrants its return in the future- whether that be for my games or someone else's.
The premerge preswap was the slowest part of the game- there just wasn't a whole lot going on overall, but there is also the fact that two players got modkilled and one of the early boots was an incredibly inactive player. I was rooting for the Capulets during these first few episodes for reasons that are two-fold: I wanted a Contender to win, and the Champions had more interesting Tribal Councils. Once we hit the swap and the fusion twist, however, things really started to pick up when "Team Contender" formed. My notifications were going off like crazy, in the best possible way, and this continued right to the merge. I think this speaks to how intricate of a twist that Fusion is, but it really only works in an online game like this where people aren't COMPLETE strangers. If this was a group of entirely new players, Fusion would NOT work. The reason I included Fusion in the game was because 1) I've wanted to bring back the twist ever since I first used it and try some new things with it, and 2) I didn't want a pagonging to happen, which would have been HIGHLY likely given the nature of this game if I hadn't included Fusion.

I tried to do something new with the battle back by combining voting someone back in with there being a challenge and it KINDA worked, though in hindsight I will admit that the players in the game had too much voting power in deciding who got back in. Regardless, I've tried basically everything I've wanted to with the idea of someone returning to the game, and I don't think I will be including revivals in the future. Although I stand by my opinion that having one before the merge is fine, overall I don't think it added much to this game to justify its existence in my future endeavors.

The merge was fairly standard, but still exciting as there was no predictability to the eliminations, which is always a positive. Although the Contenders got (sort of) Pagonged, this was not intentional and is just kind of the way things played out. Although I feel bad that this is the way it happened, I do think that "Team Contender" had only themselves to blame. I maintain my stance on "Super alliances" from All Stars: forming one is stupid. When you form an alliance that big, you are operating under the assumption that everyone is going to play along and not blab to anyone else about it, and this NEVER happens. The odds of everyone being 100% on board with an alliance that big are incredibly low, and certain people within that alliance will realize their place in the alliance isn't the greatest and will inevitably start making other plans, and once word of a Super Alliance reaches the outside, those on the Outside inevitably take action, which was exactly what happened here. And the same thing happened in All Stars (technically twice- first the original Super alliance fell apart, then the Zosteria alliance fell apart at the merge and none of them reached FTC), and Big Brother 21, and Survivor Second Chance. The list goes on beyond our community. So, I think a big takeaway here for the Contenders is: DON'T FORM SUPER ALLIANCES. It's just a bad idea. That being said, there were things that happened that didn't Team Contender had little control over, but I'll talk about those in the following section:

So, let's go through this episode by episode. I'll also be posting vote counts for each respective episode:

Episode 1:
Vote Count wrote:Tech: Aiden
Dota: Aiden
Seth: Midnight
Shadow: Aiden
Debil: Aiden
Townie: Alex
Alex: self
Aiden: Kevin
Midnight: Alex
Silk: Aiden
Kevin: Aiden
James: Alex

As you know, the Champions absolutely CREAMED the Contenders in this challenge, which was unfortunate, but could have easily gone the other way, too. Alex was prodded for not completing the challenge and did not respond to the prod in time, and thus was modkilled. I mentioned in Spectator chat what the situation was and that Alex would likely be modkilled and cancel the vote, but then someone mentioned that Big Willy might be interested in joining. Turned out he was also inactive and got modkilled, so in hindsight, I really wish I had gone with my gut and just modkilled the slot. It was unfortunate that Aiden went out here, but a lot of the reasoning for voting him was that he was inactive enough to qualify as a first boot, and also enough of a threat (for mentioning that he plays in other ORGs as well) to warrant eliminating early, so it's likely that he would have gone out before the swap anyways unless he stepped up his social game.

As for the idol- there were several clues hidden throughout the server that when put together gave the answer "Coco Beach", whose GPS coordinates when added together would give a number, and that was the page number where the "Sacred Image" could be found on the Copy paste thread. A little hard to figure out, but doable. All the pieces were there, it was just a matter of figuring out how they fit together. This idol was found by Multi, who would make a plan with Tech to pass it between the two of them so that whoever wasn't at Tribal would have it in case the other was voted out. A bold plan, but more on that later.

Episode 2:
Vote Count wrote:Nate: Multi
Lemon: Hidden
Multi: N
N: Multi
Timur: Multi
Hidden: Tim
Sam: Hidden
Chemist: Hidden
Mush: Hidden
Tardis: Hidden
Javi: Tim
Gabby: Tim

Now this was an interesting challenge. That said, it was a little too luck based. Each group that played was offered temptations- such as Idol clues and advantages in future rounds- along with the deals, but this was not enough to warrant taking a deal for many.

As for the vote, this was one of the fun ones to watch. The vote was pretty much locked in on Hidden until the last hour, when Hidden started trying to make moves and ALMOST managed to save himself, but there just wasn't enough there for it to happen. If he had known about the votes that went on Multi (which was basically Idol insurance), that would have been a different story.

Episode 3:
Spoiler: Not too much to talk about here since this was where willy was modkilled for inactivity. The challenge was good, but needed to be tweaked to make it harder since it came down to Capulets losing because of an inactive member.

Shadow got the dig idol. I think the whole not knowing how many feet of dirt is left after you dig kinda broke this mechanic. This is also around the time when the Anniversary Advantage came into play. The Outcasts voted on one of three things it could be, and they chose it to be a 2 part super idol that only worked if both parties agreed to use it on the same person, which would again have implications going forward. Jamez won it and shared it with Dota.

Episode 4:
Vote Count wrote:Nate: Javi
Lemon: Tardis
Multi: Tardis
N: Tardis
Timur: Javi
Sam: Javi
Chemist: Tardis
Mush: Javi
Tardis: Javi
Javi: Tardis
Gabby: Tardis
Tech: Cham
Dota: Cham
Midnight: James
Silk: Kevin
Shadow: Cham
Debil: Cham
Kevin: Cham
Seth: Cham
Townie: Cham
James: Cham

This challenge was kinda hard to win from a Player's perspective, which is something I should keep in mind for Double elims like these. Cham going here was pretty straightforward. And the closeness of the Tardis vote set a precedent for votes going forward, as a lot of the Champions who voted to keep Javi would work together going forward.

Episode 5:
Spoiler: This was another challenge I really liked, but if I ever do it again, I need to find another site to host it on, as I forgot that quick topic is banned in some countries for some dumbass reason. Even though people were able to use a VPN to get around this, there were also logistical issues on my end, such as some players not even getting a link to the site because I got accounts mixed up. So it seems somewhat poetic that the challenge with so many mod errors didn't matter because of Silk quitting. I was sad to see him go, but at the end of the day mental heath is more important.

Episode 6:
Gabby: Seth
Chemist: Seth
Debil: multi
Dota: multi
Lemon: Seth
Nate: Seth
Tech: Multi
Townie: self
Seth: multi
Shadow: multi
Sam: Seth
Multi: Seth

This was yet another pivotal point in the game. The challenge was a little too hard, as many people didn't end up with very many potions. The vote itself was the most interesting part of this. This was right around when "Team Contender" was unofficially forming (IIRC), and they had a plan- Macbethans would throw every challenge so that Contenders always had majority no matter the combination of tribes. But, this plan went south because Trans sent "lynch" to his confessional, with the name "Multi" as a separate message, but the second message didn't go through. As a result, Seth was voted out. This was one of the aforementioned unfortunate things that played a role in the demise of the Contenders, as that plan was no longer viable with Seth gone. Now, that said, it is hard to say if it ultimately would have made a difference, as this vote would likely have gone to rocks unless someone could have been manipulated to flip, and there's no telling what would have been the result if there were the case.

Episode 7: Spoiler:
Gabby: Dota
Chemist: Dota
Lemon: Dota
Dota: Lemon
Debil: Lemon
Nate: Dota

Shadow: Lemon
Townie: Lemon
Multi: Shadow
Tech: Lemon
Sam: Lemon

First- I love the Fake News challenge, even if it never quite amounts to what it was the first time I did it in All Stars. Most did very well with their stories, including Shadow's "First boot" puns for Aiden (which I am SHOCKED didn't win it for him). Lemon going out here was mostly because of Samuel being flip floppy, as well as Multi being completely out of the loop and voting Shadow.

I believe this is around when Mush found his Idol- which was hidden using my alt account: Bojack Horesman.

Episode 8:
Kevin: Javi
N: Trans
Timur: Trans
Mush: Javi
Jamez: Trans
Javi: Trans

Shadow: Javi
Multi: Javi
Sam: Javi
Transport: Javi
Tech: Javi

The challenge was pretty much the same as the version that I did in All Stars but slightly tweaked. Not too much to say here. The vote was aided by Multi being convinced to switch onto Javi (I do not remember why he switched). It's worth noting that this is when Team Contender really started to pick up steam, and when Jamez subsequently started voting with the Champions in retaliation.

Episode 9:
TC 1:
Shadow: Nate (Idol)
Multi: Shadow
Sam: Shadow
Tech: Nate
Transport: Nate
Nate: Shadow
Debil: Chemist
Dota: Nate
Chemist: Shadow
Gabby: Shadow

TC 2:
N: no vote
Mush: Debil (Idol)
Jamez: Mush
Timur: Debil
Kevin: Debil
Chemist: Mush
Nate: Debil
Gabby: N
Debil: Mush
Dota: Mush

This was straight up my favorite episode of this entire game. I was glad I was able to find a new spin to put on the auction because let's face it: though it may be a tradition, it's also gotten a bit stale. N won an Advantage menu from the Staff of Prospero, which granted him the ability to pick an Advantage- He could either open up a second Lover's Chat with a voted out player, sacrifice his vote in exchange for an extra vote that could be used later, or pick an episode number to guarantee himself immunity in. N chose to risk his vote and made a rather...interesting play here, but I'll get to that in a second.
It was kind of amazing to see two successful Idol plays happen in the same Episode at two different Tribal Councils, but as you can see by the way the votes went, this is where "Team Contender" began to fall apart. For one- Dota and Debil were not on the same page, and secondly, the rumors of Team Contender were starting to be spread around because of Jamez getting in cahoots with the Champions. Even though they got Nate out, he wasn't exactly the glue holding the Champions together.
Circling back to N's play- he told Gabby to vote for him- because he knew about Jamez and Dota's super idol. The plan was for it to be used to save Debil, but Jamez did not allow it, and therefore Debil went out. N's plan was to strong arm Dota into not using the Super Idol because then N would have gotten voted out. In other words, N tried to leverage his Lover's alliance to get Dota not to use it. But, I think Dota was more loyal to Debil and Team Contender than N, and if Jamez were with TC, N would have gone home here. But, nonetheless, it was a bold play and I tip my hat to N for that.

Also, Multi got a vote blocker in the auction, but never used it.

Episode 10: Spoiler:
Shadow: Multi
Multi: Shadow
Sam: Shadow
Tech: Shadow
Trans: Multi
Gabby: Shadow
Chemist: Shadow
Dota: Multi

If the previous episode was the straw that broke the camel's back to Team Contender, this vote was the one that stomped on its neck. Maybe not the best analogy but you get my point. As much as I didn't want Shadow to go premerge, there wasn't a whole lot he could have done to prevent it with the tribe combination as it was. Not much more to say here.

Episode 11: Spoiler:
N: Trans
Multi: Trans
Timur: Trans
Sam: Dota
Chemist: Trans
Mush: no vote
Gabby: Trans
Tech: Dota
Dota: Mush
Townie: Mush
Kevin: Mush
Jamez: Trans
Javi: Trans

I've already talked about the revival challenge, but I'll go into a little more detail: I do think Javi coming back in, while one of the ones I wanted to see back in, was probably the worst outcome for this game, since it pretty much eliminated all hope of Team Contender Surviving much longer. Trans was a target here, and I don't really remember why. Not much else to say here except the Minority rule challenge was fun, and including repercussions for picking different options makes it less RNG.

Oh yes, Chemist and Jamez were picked to win the bonus prize for reaching the merge with your lover. The prize was the one of them got to pick between two Idols- The guardian Idol which could only be played on someone other than the holder, and the Greed Idol, which could only be played on the holder. Obviously Chemist got the prize and chose the Greed Idol because of what happened to Zori in All Stars.

Episode 12:
N: Multi
Multi: Tech
Timur: Tech
Sam: Gabby
Chemist: Multi
Mush: Tech
Gabby: Multi
Tech: Multi
Dota: Multi
Kevin: Tech
Jamez: Tech
Javi: Multi

Not much to say about this challenge, but this was probably my second favorite vote of the game. A few hours before the votes were due, it was pretty much locked in that Tech would be going, but he managed to completely flip the vote onto Multi (his lover) without needing to use the Idol. This was nothing short of impressive work on Tech's part. I should also mention that at the merge, Multi asked for his idol back, and Tech refused to give it back to him, and then plunged a knife into his back an episode later to take the idol for himself.

Episode 13:
N: Timur
Timur: Jamez
Sam: Jamez
Chemist: Jamez
Mush: Jamez
Gabby: Tim
Tech: Jamez
Dota: Chemist
Kevin: Chemist
Jamez: Sam
Javi: Sam

I think this challenge was a good idea in theory, but needed tweaking to make it possible for someone to actually win Immunity. Hopefully a post merge co-op challenge can return in the future.
This was also another fun vote because of how split it was- mostly because Jamez was unable to settle on a target and pissed off a lot of the champs. This wasn't the ONLY target that was on Jamez's back, but his inability to settle on a target and keep changing it (within minutes at one point) certainly didn't help his case.

Episode 14:
N: Dota, Tech
Timur: Gabby, Tech
Sam: Gabby, Dota
Chemist: Timur, Dota
Mush: Dota, Tech
Gabby: Timur, dota
Tech: Timur. Dota
Dota: Gabby, Tech
Kevin: Tech, Gabby

I liked this challenge. That's it.

The vote was very very close, and it's a little unfortunate that it ended up going the way it did. We lost two very good players here, including one with an idol. I also found it funny that when Timur's name came up, Tech said "I warned you, Timur" only for Tech to be the one to get the ax.

This was also around the time N got the 3 piece idol. So, I did a major fuck up here- one of the pieces was hidden in the picture challenge channel from Big Brother. The problem: I had 2 there for some reason- one which was unused, and one which was locked. By the time i realized the issue and opened it up, Mush found it, but I ultimately decided to give it to N because he would have found it long before Mush did if I wasn't a dumbass.

Episode 15:
N: Timur, Timur
Timur: Gabby
Sam: Gabby
Chemist: Sam
Mush: Gabby
Gabby: Sam
Kevin: Gabby
Javi: Sam

Mush won this challenge because he took the least gold in the last round, and this was not an intended outcome. The idea was to have 5 eliminations, and the three left in the challenge compare who has the most gold, but since two rounds had two people tie for the most gold, this was a bizarre outcome.

This is what I call the facepalm vote- N wasted his extra vote, and Chem wasted his idol. I don't know what either of them were thinking, but ultimately Gabby got taken out here, which was positive because she would have been taken to F3 as a Goat if she made it much further.

Episode 16:
N: Timur, Timur
Timur: Kevin, Kevin
Sam: Kevin, Kevin
Chemist: Timur, Timur
Mush: Kevin, Kevin
Kevin: Chemist, chemist
Javi: Timur, Timur

Straight up, this vote was one of my favorite moments ever. The Outcasts had three twists to chose from, and I'm glad that they chose this one. The reactions people had when they realized that everyone had a double vote that was good for only this vote was priceless. But, the result is a big sad, because Kevin got voted out and thus sealed the fate of a Champion winning this game. This was also the episode where N got the puzzle Idol. I made this puzzle way too hard, and should have redone it, but it was too late since next episode was the last opportunity for Idols anyways. If N hadn't finished it, Mush would have gotten it.

Episode 17:
N: Mush, Idol Chem and Javi
Timur: Chem
Sam: Chem
Chemist: Mush
Mush: Javi
Javi: Mush

This challenge was kinda done poorly. I thought that changing the amount of points you could get would change the way people would go about it, but everyone just threw to N/Timur. If I do Prisoner's Dilemma as a challenge again, it'll probably just be normal like in Big Brother.

As for this vote: I took issue with several things here- Timur Sam and Mush not getting on the same page and realizing how close the other 3 were, and N playing both idols. N had a stranglehold on the game at this point, and playing 2 idols did nothing for him but put a target on his back, which SHOULD have gotten him voted out at Final 5, but...

Finale Part 1:
N: Sam
Timur: Chemist
Sam: Chemist
Chemist: Sam
Javi: Sam

Not a whole lot to say here, either. It was clear that Sam/Timur would leave, depending on who won Immunity. Timur mentioned in his confessional that he was going after N at the next vote after the way this one turned out, which was a result of Sam going here. Why NO ONE thought to take a shot at N here is beyond me. Probably because N played a great social game and everyone thought he'd make a good ally for the final 4 vote. I think the lesson to be learned here is that this late in the game keeping your allies in the game is less important that taking out a HUGE threat to win when they are vulnerable.

Finale Part 2:
N: Javi
Timur: N
Chemist: Javi
Javi: N

Once Timur won Immunity (which was probably the best performance anyone has ever had for Memory Lane), I thought for sure N would target Chemist with Javi and Javi would follow, forcing the 2-2 deadlock. This isn't exactly what happened. I'm still not entirely sure the logic behind it, but N decided to go after Javi and Chemist followed. Javi wanted to self vote, and I informed him that purposefully doing so would result in being banned, so he put in a placeholder on N so that he couldn't self vote if he forgot to vote later. Turns out, he did just that- forgot. Whether he intended to vote for Chemist and make it a 2-1-1 split, I'm not sure, so I won't call it gamethrowing, but regardless the vote tied. Chemist ALMOST voted for N, but changed his vote back to Javi at the last second, forcing the Fire Making Challenge for the first time in Forum Survivor History. It was a huge mistake for Chemist not to cut N right here. Chem's mentality was that his best bet was to sit next to Timur and N, who the jury would likely be split on, so that Chem could potentially win with only a few votes because of the split nature of the jury. While not a bad strategy as evidence by the final vote, I think Chem stood a much better chance against Javi and Timur

Final Tribal Council:
Trans: Chem
Multi: Timur
Jamez: N
Dota: N
Tech: Chem
Gabby: N
Kevin: N
Mush: Timur
Sam: Timur
Javi: Timur

Tech: N
Trans: N
Chem: N

I have mixed feelings about this finale. On one hand, it was an INCREDIBLE final vote. Seriously, I knew going into this that it would be split because each finalist had a decent case to make, and it was almost a 4-3-3 split. And of course, it was awesome to make Forum Survivor history again. But, I gotta say, I was rooting for Timur to win. Although both he and N played great games, I was more impressed by Timur's performance and I would have voted for him if I were on the jury. But, I'm also a firm believer of "whoever won deserves it" and N definitely deserved it. He made some pretty bold and daring moves throughout, and had this game by the balls for most of the late merge, even if he made some mistakes here and there.

One final note: After Ragnarok ended, I decided to make 4 winner picks- 2 Champions and 2 Contenders that I thought had the best chance of winning. Those picks were Nate, Chemist, Tech, and Jamez.

And that's it! Except for one thing! Of course, the announcement for my next game of Survivor, which will likely be happening some time next summer (although I have some other things planned in the mean time, but more on that to come later). Here we go:

Spoiler: Survivor is a complex, ever-changing game, and as a result, many people have made game-ending mistakes . But, with enough practice, one can learn to manage every aspect that this game has to offer and overcome their mistakes. Which is why, for my next season of Survivor, things are being shaken up like never before!

Next season, 20 players will be stranded on a mysterious uninhabited island, known only for being cursed. On this cursed island, however, every player has an Ace up their Sleeve, because each of the twenty players will be armed with a Hidden Immunity Idol from Survivors past. But, they'll have to use it wisely, because they'll only get ONE idol for the entire game! And that's not all- because another twist will be present that will change the way the Survivors play the game- The Curse of the Black Pearl.

With this twist, Survivors who are voted out will either get to curse their enemies or aid their allies as a way of getting the last laugh before leaving the island for good.

20 players, each armed with a Hidden Immunity Idol, curses, and absolutely NO WAY to reenter the game after being voted out.

All this and more in

Survivor: The Black Pearl. Coming 2020.

And that's it! Thank you all so much for playing, it has been an honor to host for you guys once again! Until next time!

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Re: Survivor: CvC- FINALE-The Sole Survivor.

Postby Seththeking » Wed Sep 11, 2019 6:56 am

Vote N out First Round of next game.
He won BB and SCVC.
He wins too much
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Re: Survivor: CvC- FINALE-The Sole Survivor.

Postby Chemist1422 » Wed Sep 11, 2019 6:57 am

Seththeking wrote:Vote N out First Round of next game.
He won BB and SCVC.
He wins too much

and this is why we should be doing more anons
mist ~ she/her

i guess this is goodbye?
(still here for danganronpa i guess)

stop sending reports to me i'm not a tos game moderator
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Re: Survivor: CvC- FINALE-The Sole Survivor.

Postby dota2reporter » Wed Sep 11, 2019 6:58 am

Chemist1422 wrote:
Seththeking wrote:Vote N out First Round of next game.
He won BB and SCVC.
He wins too much

and this is why we should be doing more anons

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Re: Survivor: CvC- FINALE-The Sole Survivor.

Postby dota2reporter » Wed Sep 11, 2019 6:58 am

will your game be an anon, chem?
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Re: Survivor: CvC- FINALE-The Sole Survivor.

Postby Chemist1422 » Wed Sep 11, 2019 7:10 am

dota2reporter wrote:will your game be an anon, chem?

nope, don't think I'd be able to figure out how to set it up
mist ~ she/her

i guess this is goodbye?
(still here for danganronpa i guess)

stop sending reports to me i'm not a tos game moderator
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Re: Survivor: CvC- FINALE-The Sole Survivor.

Postby dota2reporter » Wed Sep 11, 2019 7:16 am

Chemist1422 wrote:
dota2reporter wrote:will your game be an anon, chem?

nope, don't think I'd be able to figure out how to set it up

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Re: Survivor: CvC- FINALE-The Sole Survivor.

Postby TimeToReap » Wed Sep 11, 2019 12:59 pm

Seththeking wrote:Vote N out First Round of next game.
He won BB and SCVC.
He wins too much

N wins to much.
I agree we all target N and nobody else.
if you are wondering where i have gone check my website

Locking myself out of this account now *dab*
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Re: Survivor: CvC- FINALE-The Sole Survivor.

Postby Chemist1422 » Wed Sep 11, 2019 1:02 pm

TimeToReap wrote:
Seththeking wrote:Vote N out First Round of next game.
He won BB and SCVC.
He wins too much

N wins to much.
I agree we all target N and nobody else.

everyone wins but N
mist ~ she/her

i guess this is goodbye?
(still here for danganronpa i guess)

stop sending reports to me i'm not a tos game moderator
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Re: Survivor: CvC- FINALE-The Sole Survivor.

Postby TimeToReap » Wed Sep 11, 2019 3:28 pm

Chemist1422 wrote:
TimeToReap wrote:
Seththeking wrote:Vote N out First Round of next game.
He won BB and SCVC.
He wins too much

N wins to much.
I agree we all target N and nobody else.

everyone wins but N

He wins way more than everyone.
Especially me.
if you are wondering where i have gone check my website

Locking myself out of this account now *dab*
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Re: Survivor: CvC- FINALE-The Sole Survivor.

Postby npromin1 » Fri Sep 13, 2019 2:38 pm

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Re: Survivor: CvC- FINALE-The Sole Survivor.

Postby BasicFourLife » Mon Sep 16, 2019 5:22 am

Seththeking wrote:Vote N out First Round of next game.
He won BB and SCVC.
He wins too much

>ttr won 3 games
>multi won 2 games
RNG is never good for any strategy based game. Please learn the definition of what that means, especially if you're one of the people constantly defending it.

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Re: Survivor: CvC- FINALE-The Sole Survivor.

Postby timurtheking » Mon Sep 16, 2019 6:12 am

BasicFourLife wrote:
Seththeking wrote:Vote N out First Round of next game.
He won BB and SCVC.
He wins too much

>ttr won 3 games
>multi won 2 games

I’ve won 5
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Re: Survivor: CvC- FINALE-The Sole Survivor.

Postby npromin1 » Tue Sep 17, 2019 12:16 am

BasicFourLife wrote:
Seththeking wrote:Vote N out First Round of next game.
He won BB and SCVC.
He wins too much

>ttr won 3 games
>multi won 2 games

Rip I only won 1 game cuz according to Finn BB doesn't count :(
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Re: Survivor: CvC- FINALE-The Sole Survivor.

Postby TimeToReap » Tue Sep 17, 2019 12:40 am

npromin1 wrote:
BasicFourLife wrote:
Seththeking wrote:Vote N out First Round of next game.
He won BB and SCVC.
He wins too much

>ttr won 3 games
>multi won 2 games

Rip I only won 1 game cuz according to Finn BB doesn't count :(

if you are wondering where i have gone check my website

Locking myself out of this account now *dab*
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