Thanks for Good QoL Updates.

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Thanks for Good QoL Updates.

Postby RiceHatMan » Sun Dec 06, 2020 8:29 pm

Normally people care about balance and content updates a lot more, which is fair. However, I'm a big fan of QoL updates. I would just like to thank the devs for coming up with this one particular feature they implemented.

So I was doing my placement games, and I had to paste my will. I haven't played in a long time, so I just pasted and entered out of habit. It took some time to register that on my clipboard, I had a devpost link to this upcoming hackathon. Gladly, the latest update included the filter for direct links, which saved my account. So, thanks devs for preventing the lose of my $5 asset.

Tbh, I'm pretty sure it still shows up in a trial report though, so I might get banned soon if there was an actual report of that game.
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