ranked profile

Bugs reports for the Steam Client

ranked profile

Postby Ahmadh26 » Thu Nov 21, 2019 6:12 am

ranked profile data for coven isnt being populated or registered.

i've played a few ranked practice, and classic they didnt save under my ranked profile? it still has the placements as 0/10

also i can start a coven ranked queue even though my ranked profile says 0/10 placement played.

coven ranked profile ss:

classic ranked profile ss:
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Re: ranked profile

Postby DocExer » Fri Nov 22, 2019 1:32 am

@Ahmadh26, I wanted to follow up with you on this. First, I want to make sure this is a legitimate issue. There is a difference between practice games and placement games. Placement games start AFTER you have completed your 50 regular games and 10 practice games. Once you are past the regular and practice games, you can play ranked games, and your first ten games will be considered placement games that are used to determine your bracket/rating for the games that follow.

Having stated the above to make sure we're on the same page, are you saying that you have played some Coven ranked games and the placement counter is not incrementing? Thanks in advance.
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Joined: Sun Feb 22, 1970 9:33 am

Re: ranked profile

Postby Ahmadh26 » Sat Nov 23, 2019 11:12 am


not at all, i havent played any ranked games, but im saying that i am able to queue for ranked coven. not sure that i have played 10 ranked though, i thought the coven ranked practice games are the ones for "placement".

my bad on the misunderstanding. how can i check my coven classic and coven RP games played in order to check if i finished the 50 and 10 games? because as i said it seems im able to queue for ranked, but not sure i have played the 50 and 10 ..
Posts: 17
Joined: Thu May 21, 2015 5:52 pm

Re: ranked profile

Postby DocExer » Sun Nov 24, 2019 3:38 pm

@Ahmadh26, there are a couple of ways you can check.

1) in the burger menu, click the Ranked Profile button. It should give you some info under the Classic and Coven tabs.
2) in the Game Mode selection screen, click the Ranked mode button in the list (either in Classic or Coven), and you should see some info on how many games you have played on the right hand side of the screen.

The info that is displayed in these locations depends on where you are in your progress towards ranked. For instance, if you've completed your 50 games and 10 practice games, then you may only see info on where you are in your Placement games progress. Once you've completed placement, you'll only see ranked stats (Season Rating, Season High, etc.)

Happy hanging!
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