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Patch 3.3.1c Update New Ranked Role List!x2

PostPosted: Mon Nov 09, 2020 7:37 pm
by shapesifter13
Hey Townies!

Thank you for all the testing of the new Ranked Rolelist you all have done over the weekend. We hear your feedback on the new list, have looked over our data, and have determine that we missed the mark. We are going to update the list by changing a Random Town to a Random Mafia making the game a 9 v 5 v 1, and we are changing the Ambusher back to a Mafioso to prevent issues of the Godfather getting constantly roleblocked. We know some of you will still not be happy with this as you wanted a Neutral Killing in the list, but we want to give the Town V Mafia list a chance before we get rid of it completely. Please continue to give your feedback! We will be monitoring the data, and that feedback over the coming days. Below is the list that will be going live shortly.

Town Investigative
Town Investigative
Town Protective
Town Killing
Town Support
Random Town
Random Town
Random Town
Random Mafia
Random Mafia
Random Mafia
Neutral Evil