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Reporting Zuesesben for gamethrowing

PostPosted: Tue Apr 16, 2019 9:43 pm
by RedHeadStepChild
Account name: Zuesesben
IGN: Bames Jond
Role: Vigilante

was mad because i made him claim d 2 after he posted a fake will then proceeds to call me a bad player over the next 3 games. so the game I made him claim, he purposely shot me the day after the witch was hung, even thought he knew what I was witch contributed to the town losing that game. SO please ban this moron.

Re: Reporting Zuesesben for gamethrowing

PostPosted: Wed Apr 17, 2019 1:49 am
by Flavorable
-> Closing report.

Please read the Guideline for reporting players before making a forum report. Screenshots of the offense AND the endgame rolelist (that includes the usernames of everyone in the game) that are unedited and uncropped are absolutely necessary.

If you have unedited/uncropped screenshots available instead, please re-post the report.