Pip McGee's Hunger Games III: Phase I (Reaping)

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Pip McGee's Hunger Games III: Phase I (Reaping)

Postby PipMcGee » Thu Apr 25, 2019 6:45 pm

It’s been some time since I was last here. However, I did have a series here. The second part of it did not quite go well. However, I would like to continue the series. So without further ado, I would like to introduce to you, the 3rd Annual Hunger Games.

(There is a discord: https://discord.gg/hM4hGB2)

The Hunger Games are, as usual, an event in which 24 people between the ages of 12 and 18, a male and female from each of 12 districts, are forced to fight to the death. Each Hunger Games takes place on the anniversary of the end of a civil between the then 13 districts and the Capitol, as punishment for the rebellion that occurred against the leadership of the teenage dictator Coriolanus Snow.

The game takes place in an idea of an early version of Panem, a nation having formed in place of the United States after an apocalyptic disaster which devastated the land. It is designed to take place long before the events of Suzanne Collins’s Hunger Games Trilogy, but these events are in no way the canonical events that took place prior to the Hunger Games. This in particular is the Third Hunger Games.

The World

Panem exists in a future, though how far it is in the future is unclear. What is clear is that there was some kind of apocalyptic disaster. After this disaster Panem rose from the ashes. Some time after Panem was formed, President Snow came to power, causing a bloody civil war leading to the destruction of one of 13 districts. Each district had a distinct purpose, agriculture, mining, etc, with 13’s being related to weaponry. Biological warfare and genetic engineering were used during the war, leading to the creation of various species, such as the Tracker Jacker wasp and the Mockingjay songbird.

After the war a punishment for the Districts was devised: the Hunger Games. It occurred to remind the Districts of their place, and to provide sadistic entertainment to the citizens of the Capital. Even harsher laws were put in place than before. For example, leaving the districts, except under very special circumstances, became a serious crime, and owning weapons or stealing became worthy of the death penalty. Peacekeepers in their white uniforms became present throughout the Districts, enforcing these strict laws.

The Hunger Games became a great televised ceremony. The first event was won by Michael Thomps of District 6, the second by Kya Eprespeen of District 1. Now, the Hunger Games features a newly renovated Hunger Games Training Facility, with Sponsors operating once again in the two-year Hunger Games sponsor, Bodrick’s Hotel. These Hunger Games are planned to be spectacular, though only time will tell how they actually go.

The Game

The Game is simple. You create a group of tributes, and they prepare to kill each other, then they go into a giant arena to actually kill each other. Usually, you each control both tributes of one district. This time, each player controls 3 tributes. Two of them may be from the same district, or your tributes may all be of different districts. However, there are a few rules to this.

In-Game Rules (rules the tributes are instructed to follow.)
1) Fighting between tributes prior to entry into the arena is prohibited.
2) Tributes may form temporary alliances while in the arena.
3) Characters may bring a token, a symbol of home or family, perhaps, into the Hunger Games, but it may not be a weapon or tool of any sort.
4) Only one tribute may win.

Player Rules:
1) You may not have all 3 of your characters be allies with each other. Preferably, they will remain separate, although 2 of them may form an alliance with each other.
2) Players controlling tributes may not communicate without my supervision.
3) There are to be no complaints about my decisions regarding the game. Criticism is acceptable, insults are not.
4) Districts 1, 2, and 4 are off-limits for player use. They will be the NPC Career Tributes, an alliance of 6 characters.
5) Of course, act reasonably. If you think something should not be allowed, don’t do it. Use common sense.

Sponsors, however, have their own side of the game. Unlike with tributes they are allowed private communication, though not with tributes, and they are observers. They watch detached, although the Capital is experimenting with a Mentor System. In this system, Hunger Games veterans mentor young tributes and teach them how to win. However, there are currently few tributes to act as mentors. Therefore, Hunger Games veteran Michael Thomps will give a speech to tributes, but their individual mentors will be their sponsors. Indeed, in a bold experiment the wealthiest sponsors of the Districts and Capital will get a chance to communicate with their tributes.


Once again the Games are divided into phases, which are:

Phase 1: Reaping
Phase 2: Training
Phase 3: Demonstrations
Phase 4: Interviews
Phase 5: Sponsors
Phase 6: Arena

Phase 1: Reaping
The Reaping is the name of the process by which tributes are selected. Here, it is the character creation process. This may seem daunting, but don’t worry, it’s quite easy. Tributes must be created using two forms, but to join you only need a single post, /join, /in, or something similar. Then, you must fill the following forms for each character, one in the thread, and one by private message.

Public Form -
Player Name:
Tribute Name:
Tribute Age:
Tribute Sex:
District of Origin:
Reaping Information *:
Physical Appearance:
Speech Color:

* Here the information regarding how your tribute was selected to be in the Hunger Games will be discussed. Did they have their odds of being selected increased for food, did they volunteer? This is your chance to answer those questions.

Private Form -
Player Name:
Tribute Name:
Stats *:


Tool Proficiencies**:

Other Skills **:

* To calculate your Tribute’s stats, know that each stat can go from 5 to 15, with 10 as a base, and the average human ability in that particular field. You may remove points from some stats and apply them to another stats, and you may train stats later on.

** Your Tribute may have up to 5 tools including 3 weapons they are proficient in. If these proficiencies match with their stats, they will have an even greater ability to use them. They may also have up to 4 skills that cannot be matched with any stat or tool proficiency the bonus regarding stats apply.

Each stat can be described as follows:
Strength: Your Tribute’s physical power.
Toughness: Your Tribute’s defensive power.
Dexterity: Your Tribute’s ability to make use of their hands.
Agility: Your Tribute’s speed.
Endurance: Your Tribute’s ability to withstand effort before tiring.
Intelligence: How smart your Tribute is.
Perception: Your Tribute’s ability to observe their surroundings and process what’s happening around them.
Accuracy: Your Tribute’s ability to see and aim for objects.
Vitality: How much damage your Tribute can take before death.
Wisdom: Your Tribute’s knowledge about survival in the Arena and ability to recall information.
Charisma: Your Tribute’s ability to deceive, convince, manipulate, and similar skills.

Once all 24 tributes have entered, the first phase will end and the second will begin. You may enter tributes separately or all at once.

However, there are a few roles that do not need to be filled at the Reaping or at all. They are Sponsors and Backups. Backups need to simply state their intentions to join as a backup in order to do so. Sponsors, on the other hand, must fill out their own form to join, in the thread. The form is as follows

Sponsor Name:
District of Origin *:
Affiliated Business:
Sponsor Age:
Speech Color:

* can include the Capital


Tribute Players:
1. Chemist1422
2. Bluedestroyer
3. Windblqde
4. GrumpyGoomba
5. Seththeking
6. Cupcakeaj2

District 1 Male: PipMcGee "Kal Springfield"
District 1 Female: PipMcGee "Silver Hayes"
District 2 Male: PipMcGee "James Hilton"
District 2 Female: PipMcGee "Jill Steiner"
District 3 Male: Bluedestroyer "Thomas Brown"
District 3 Female: Bluedestroyer "Iris Yellowscape"
District 4 Male: PipMcGee "Jeremy Fisher"
District 4 Female: PipMcGee "Elizabeth Spruce"
District 5 Male: Bluedestroyer "Venil Stoneheart"
District 5 Female: Cupcakeaj2 "Liana Castile"
District 6 Male: Windblqde "Sage Alvin"
District 6 Female: Cupcakeaj2 "Pheonelle Francia"
District 7 Male: Chemist1422 ???
District 7 Female: Chemist1422 ???
District 8 Male: Seththeking "Dirk Gently"
District 8 Female: Cupcakeaj2 "Euphonia Byzantium"
District 9 Male: GrumpyGoomba "Eric Winston"
District 9 Female: GrumpyGoomba "Laurene Serpente"
District 10 Male: GrumpyGoomba "Regilius Sernova"
District 10 Female: WindBlqde "Claudia Barnes"
District 11 Male: Chemist1422 ???
District 11 Female: Seththeking "Vivien Reid"
District 12 Male: Seththeking "Sylis Graves"
District 12 Female: WindBlqde "Lilith Arrow"


1. Jalandh "Henrik Libidine"

Phase 2: Training
After the reaping the tributes are put on a train. The train brings the tributes to the Hunger Games Training Facility, where they'll do a different kind of train. First, however, they'll arrive at a train station, and get to walk through a city more beautiful than any they've seen before. Then they'll travel through a great road on chariots, where their arrival will be televised across the nation. You are free to describe your Tributes' arrivals in the cities on the thread, but the ceremony with the chariots will be described by me, the host. After this, the Tributes will be given a meal greater than anything they've eaten before. Delicacies far more exotic than anything they could possibly have consumed in their lifetime.

Training serves two important purposes. The first is to increase your tributes’ stats and skills. The second is social, it provides a chance for your tributes to speak to each other, and possibly form alliances. At the beginning, however, you will be given a seminar by Michael Thomps, winner of the first annual Hunger Games, played by Multiuniverse. Then you will have the opportunity to raise a stat by one point every other day. This will persist for two weeks, with only one week in-game. Every two days in reality will equate to one day in-game. The advancement of your stats will require a PM showing your tribute's original stats, the stats they have prior to that training session, and the stats that will be advanced. You may also choose two skills or proficiencies to heighten.

During this time your tributes will be permitted to communicate with each other, either in the thread or in private, with my inclusion, of course. You will also be able to admire the state-of-the-art technologies available to train. Holographic targets, advanced exercise machines, testing computers, all highly advanced. Or you interact at other times, as most meals occur in a single cafeteria for all tributes.

In essence, Tributes have 7 points to spend over 2 weeks, but no stat may be brought over 20 points,and you can build onto two of your skills. They may also form alliances during the period.

Sponsors from the district, too, are put on a train, after the arrival of the Tributes. Sponsors of the same district will be put on the same train, and may interact during this period. Otherwise the ride will proceed without further action. After three real days, the Sponsors will be taken to Bodrick's Hotel, which is one of the only businesses of such a kind that still exists due to it's owner's close ties with the government of Panem, resulting in reduced taxes and secret financial support. There, all sponsors will have a chance to interact with one another. Their only information about the tributes, for now, will be that which is publicly televised.

Phase 3: Demonstrations
After the training, each tribute will take a test for a skill of their choosing. When done, they will receive a score from 1 to 12. Before and after the test, the tributes will be placed in a room with the other tributes, with nothing in it other than the tributes themselves and 24 chairs.

The Sponsors will be permitted to view these tests from a separate building through a holographic display on a table in Bodrick’s Hotel. However, what happens there will remain unknown to everyone else, all most people will see is the score.

Phase 4: Interviews
The fourth phase consists of a series of interviews, with the Master of Ceremonies interviewing each tribute. They will discuss the tribute’s test scores, the information regarding their reaping, their history, and other things.

This is you and your tribute’s chance to make your character appeal to the Sponsors. Not only those who saw your tests, but countless people with wealth in the Districts and Capital.

It’s also a chance to show who your character is, and a way to use your Charisma stat, if you have chosen to utilize that. It’s a reminder that Hunger Games is not just a fight to the death, there are far more elements than that. In a way it can be a popularity contest, there is much more strategy than simply learning to survive. It is a ceremony, entertainment, which can be used to your advantage.

Phase 5: Sponsors
On the last day, before the Arena, you will get a chance to meet the Sponsors who watched your tests, and they’ll get a chance to meet your Tribute. You will get an hour in-game, 72 real hours, to eat and discuss strategy. Then both parties will be escorted from the room.

Phase 6:
The Arena

Now comes the important piece of the game, a fight to the death.

Time -
Every 48 hours become 1 hour in the arena. This changes in the initial Bloodbath at the Cornucopia, where a single action can occur every 48 hours, and the Feast. For those unaware, every tribute enters the game on a small platform creating a circle with the other tributes surrounding a horn-shaped structure filled with goods. Weapons, food supplies. If they attempt to leave the platform, land mines will obliterate their body. After standing on the platform during a countdown they can fight over goods or flee. Up to half the tributes can die in these opening moments. As the game ends and few tributes remain, they will be invited back to a “Feast” at a refilled cornucopia.

Other exceptions occur at night, where a night is 48 hours, combat which can take as long as it needs to, if it takes longer than 48 hours the time can be made up, or other activities which require many actions and reactions in a short time.

Combat & Contests -
Your stats and skills may be used in combat or other actions. How precisely this will be handled is controlled by the host, but if you use your stats and skills right your chances are good.

Requirements for Life -
Food, water, sleep. These are things you need to live. You need one liter of water per day, and if you fail to get this amount, you will experience a stat decrease each day you spend having failed to meet this requirement. If you fail to get enough water over a span of three days, you will die. With food, you need one sufficient meal per day before suffering a stat decrease that will worsen over time until you stop starving. You can skip a night of sleep, but after doing so you will experience a massive stat decrease, especially in intelligence, wisdom, charisma, and endurance.

Exploration -
You may find areas in the arena to explore. There you may find shelter, goods, weapons or other things worth your time. Exploring areas you find may take time and actions, but will often give your Tribute a chance to explore the arena without being redirected by the Gamemakers, though traps and mutations may threaten you.

Threats -
Beware, the Arena is filled with mutant animals and other such threats placed by the Gamemakers. You may find yourself running from a wall of fire, or fighting a fourteen-foot-tall bear. Such things will be combated similarly to other tributes but easier and more problem-solving than simply a contest of stat usage and clever attacks.

The Careers -
The unplayable Career Tributes are stronger than other tributes, and allied in a team of six. They are the enemies of all other tributes, and perhaps their primary threat. They will quickly take the Cornucopia, though they will leave to hunt for food and tributes.

The last Tribute remaining will be crowned victor, and their District will be given immense food and supplies.

TL;DR find whatever forms you need to fill out and I’ll guide you through the rest.

Happy Hunger Games, and may the odds be ever in your favour.
Last edited by PipMcGee on Sat Apr 27, 2019 1:20 pm, edited 7 times in total.
Ï̸̡̧̛̖̭̹͇̠̫̹̏̉̉̈́̈̎͊̀̔͜͠ ̷͔̦͈͕̱͎͎̫̫́̏̂͐̀͘͝d̷̡̡͎̥͓̺͉͍͉͓͔͆͛̇̓̐͂̃͌́̚ǒ̷̪̘́̌͒̑̽̅n̴̡̥̝͓̠͈̟͓͕͛̿͑̒̽̀̃̎͘ͅ'̶̢̬̠̻̰̳͈̜̝́̾̐̇͌͆̏͘̚̚͝t̷͔̖̱͙̘̪̿̂͛́̎̒̂͋̚͝͠ ̴̢̡̬̠̰͎͕͇̙̼̾̾͌̈́̓̀̔̏͛̚͜ͅř̷̡̧͎̜̟͇̣̮̖̻̈́́͠ȅ̸̛̝̆͌̈́̃͆͗̿ā̴̻̳̫̦̰̔̅ḻ̶̯̼̱̬̰̰͆̀̓̓̌̒́̽̉̊͜͜l̸̟̍̊̌̈́͑͑̌̎̓̾̔̌ỳ̴̧̥̺̼͚͉̬̩̭̈́͊̐͜ ̵̢̺̞̲̱̩͙̬̑̅̅ͅe̶̙͙̫͙̊́̂̍́͑̆̚x̶̧͙̖̱̑͛̈̉ị̸̡̜̖͕̭͑̃͒̏̆̀̇̒̅͜ͅs̵̼̠͍̖̩̻̬̔t̴͍͙̜͎̘̂͝
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Re: Pip McGee's Hunger Games III: Phase I: (Reaping)

Postby PipMcGee » Thu Apr 25, 2019 6:47 pm

Phase I: Reaping
The Districts gather to watch the beginning of the new Hunger Games.

If you are interested in the game, please fill out the appropriate form
Ï̸̡̧̛̖̭̹͇̠̫̹̏̉̉̈́̈̎͊̀̔͜͠ ̷͔̦͈͕̱͎͎̫̫́̏̂͐̀͘͝d̷̡̡͎̥͓̺͉͍͉͓͔͆͛̇̓̐͂̃͌́̚ǒ̷̪̘́̌͒̑̽̅n̴̡̥̝͓̠͈̟͓͕͛̿͑̒̽̀̃̎͘ͅ'̶̢̬̠̻̰̳͈̜̝́̾̐̇͌͆̏͘̚̚͝t̷͔̖̱͙̘̪̿̂͛́̎̒̂͋̚͝͠ ̴̢̡̬̠̰͎͕͇̙̼̾̾͌̈́̓̀̔̏͛̚͜ͅř̷̡̧͎̜̟͇̣̮̖̻̈́́͠ȅ̸̛̝̆͌̈́̃͆͗̿ā̴̻̳̫̦̰̔̅ḻ̶̯̼̱̬̰̰͆̀̓̓̌̒́̽̉̊͜͜l̸̟̍̊̌̈́͑͑̌̎̓̾̔̌ỳ̴̧̥̺̼͚͉̬̩̭̈́͊̐͜ ̵̢̺̞̲̱̩͙̬̑̅̅ͅe̶̙͙̫͙̊́̂̍́͑̆̚x̶̧͙̖̱̑͛̈̉ị̸̡̜̖͕̭͑̃͒̏̆̀̇̒̅͜ͅs̵̼̠͍̖̩̻̬̔t̴͍͙̜͎̘̂͝
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Re: Pip McGee's Hunger Games III: Phase I (Reaping)

Postby Chemist1422 » Thu Apr 25, 2019 6:50 pm

Post to acknowledge interest and consider joining
mist ~ she/her

i guess this is goodbye?
(still here for danganronpa i guess)

stop sending reports to me i'm not a tos game moderator
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Re: Pip McGee's Hunger Games III: Phase I (Reaping)

Postby Jalandh » Thu Apr 25, 2019 7:19 pm

Sponsor Name: Henrik Libidine
District of Origin *: Capital
Affiliated Business: Libidinian Finances
Sponsor Age:25
Speech Color: Pleasure to meet you
Use your full power. Take out your soul weapon, and do your best. Otherwise...


You'll die.
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Re: Pip McGee's Hunger Games III: Phase I (Reaping)

Postby Chemist1422 » Thu Apr 25, 2019 7:31 pm

oh yeah

I'm reserving FF50FF, 707FFF, and 00FF80 as my colors.
mist ~ she/her

i guess this is goodbye?
(still here for danganronpa i guess)

stop sending reports to me i'm not a tos game moderator
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Re: Pip McGee's Hunger Games III: Phase I (Reaping)

Postby PipMcGee » Thu Apr 25, 2019 7:32 pm

#00BF00 is reserved for myself.
Ï̸̡̧̛̖̭̹͇̠̫̹̏̉̉̈́̈̎͊̀̔͜͠ ̷͔̦͈͕̱͎͎̫̫́̏̂͐̀͘͝d̷̡̡͎̥͓̺͉͍͉͓͔͆͛̇̓̐͂̃͌́̚ǒ̷̪̘́̌͒̑̽̅n̴̡̥̝͓̠͈̟͓͕͛̿͑̒̽̀̃̎͘ͅ'̶̢̬̠̻̰̳͈̜̝́̾̐̇͌͆̏͘̚̚͝t̷͔̖̱͙̘̪̿̂͛́̎̒̂͋̚͝͠ ̴̢̡̬̠̰͎͕͇̙̼̾̾͌̈́̓̀̔̏͛̚͜ͅř̷̡̧͎̜̟͇̣̮̖̻̈́́͠ȅ̸̛̝̆͌̈́̃͆͗̿ā̴̻̳̫̦̰̔̅ḻ̶̯̼̱̬̰̰͆̀̓̓̌̒́̽̉̊͜͜l̸̟̍̊̌̈́͑͑̌̎̓̾̔̌ỳ̴̧̥̺̼͚͉̬̩̭̈́͊̐͜ ̵̢̺̞̲̱̩͙̬̑̅̅ͅe̶̙͙̫͙̊́̂̍́͑̆̚x̶̧͙̖̱̑͛̈̉ị̸̡̜̖͕̭͑̃͒̏̆̀̇̒̅͜ͅs̵̼̠͍̖̩̻̬̔t̴͍͙̜͎̘̂͝
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Re: Pip McGee's Hunger Games III: Phase I (Reaping)

Postby Bluedetroyer » Thu Apr 25, 2019 8:14 pm

What's the token
I own 3 dogs and 3 cats.

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Spoiler: BtM: School Trouble - Loner (Deceiver) - guesses DP8 - Chef (poisoner) win
IDDY BtM - Pesant - Pesant (me) win

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Re: Pip McGee's Hunger Games III: Phase I (Reaping)

Postby Bluedetroyer » Thu Apr 25, 2019 8:18 pm

Player Name: Bluedetroyer
Tribute Name: Venil Stoneheart
Tribute Age: 13
Tribute Sex: Male
District of Origin: District 5
Token: A small no longer functioning LED flashlight
Reaping Information *: He volunteered in place of his best friend
Physical Appearance: He had brown eyes, brown hair, dark skinned, and is average-sized
Speech Color: This one

Player Name: Bluedetroyer
Tribute Name: Thomas Brown
Tribute Age: 15
Tribute Sex: Male
District of Origin: District 3
Token: A green pair of dice
Reaping Information *: He was randomly selected, nothing special
Physical Appearance: He has hazel eyes, black hair, tan skin, and is pretty tall
Speech Color: This one

Player Name: Bluedetroyer
Tribute Name: Iris Yellowscape
Tribute Age: 17
Tribute Sex: Female
District of Origin: District 3
Token: A fidget cube
Reaping Information *: She was also randomly selected, nothing special
Physical Appearance: She has green eyes, blond hair, pale skin, and is pretty tall
Speech Color: This one
Last edited by Bluedetroyer on Sat Apr 27, 2019 11:33 am, edited 5 times in total.
I own 3 dogs and 3 cats.

Behind the Mask Record


Spoiler: BtM: School Trouble - Loner (Deceiver) - guesses DP8 - Chef (poisoner) win
IDDY BtM - Pesant - Pesant (me) win

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Re: Pip McGee's Hunger Games III: Phase I (Reaping)

Postby Jalandh » Thu Apr 25, 2019 8:24 pm

Bluedetroyer wrote:Player Name: Bluedetroyer
Tribute Name: Venil Stoneheart
Tribute Age: 13
Tribute Sex: Male
District of Origin: District 2
Reaping Information *: He volunteered in place of his best friend
Physical Appearance: He had brown eyes, brown hair, dark skinned, and is average-sized
Speech Color: This one

I'll edit more in later

4) Districts 1, 2, and 4 are off-limits for player use. They will be the NPC Career Tributes, and alliance of 6 characters.
Use your full power. Take out your soul weapon, and do your best. Otherwise...


You'll die.
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Re: Pip McGee's Hunger Games III: Phase I (Reaping)

Postby PipMcGee » Thu Apr 25, 2019 8:29 pm

The Token is a small object your tribute takes from home, which has some sort of symbolic value to the tribute. It cannot, however, provide any advantage to the tribute.
Ï̸̡̧̛̖̭̹͇̠̫̹̏̉̉̈́̈̎͊̀̔͜͠ ̷͔̦͈͕̱͎͎̫̫́̏̂͐̀͘͝d̷̡̡͎̥͓̺͉͍͉͓͔͆͛̇̓̐͂̃͌́̚ǒ̷̪̘́̌͒̑̽̅n̴̡̥̝͓̠͈̟͓͕͛̿͑̒̽̀̃̎͘ͅ'̶̢̬̠̻̰̳͈̜̝́̾̐̇͌͆̏͘̚̚͝t̷͔̖̱͙̘̪̿̂͛́̎̒̂͋̚͝͠ ̴̢̡̬̠̰͎͕͇̙̼̾̾͌̈́̓̀̔̏͛̚͜ͅř̷̡̧͎̜̟͇̣̮̖̻̈́́͠ȅ̸̛̝̆͌̈́̃͆͗̿ā̴̻̳̫̦̰̔̅ḻ̶̯̼̱̬̰̰͆̀̓̓̌̒́̽̉̊͜͜l̸̟̍̊̌̈́͑͑̌̎̓̾̔̌ỳ̴̧̥̺̼͚͉̬̩̭̈́͊̐͜ ̵̢̺̞̲̱̩͙̬̑̅̅ͅe̶̙͙̫͙̊́̂̍́͑̆̚x̶̧͙̖̱̑͛̈̉ị̸̡̜̖͕̭͑̃͒̏̆̀̇̒̅͜ͅs̵̼̠͍̖̩̻̬̔t̴͍͙̜͎̘̂͝
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Re: Pip McGee's Hunger Games III: Phase I (Reaping)

Postby WindBlqde » Fri Apr 26, 2019 5:13 am



Player Name: WindBlqde
Tribute Name: Sage Alvin
Tribute Age: 13
Tribute Sex: Male
District of Origin: District 6
Token: A small locket, no pictures inside, just the word "Forever," It is from his mother, before she passed.
Reaping Information: Sage was chosen normally - he didn't need the rations and didn't particularly want to go to the Hunger Games.
Physical Appearance: Platinum blonde hair, bright blue eyes, pale skin, short, skinny, flexible, scrawny.
Speech Color: 2FADAD


Player Name: Wind Blqde
Tribute Name: Claudia Barnes
Tribute Age: 16
Tribute Sex: Female
District of Origin: District 10
Token: A solid silver pin that she found when she was 11.
Reaping Information: Volunteered in place of a 12 year old.
Physical Appearance: Medium-length wavy dark brown hair, olive skin, almond eye-shape, brown eyes, tall, slender.
Speech Color: D585FF


Player Name: Windblqde
Tribute Name: Lilith Arrow
Tribute Age: 12
Tribute Sex: Female
District of Origin: District 12
Token: A single black glove, the only item of value she owns.
Reaping Information: She took the extra entries for food this year.
Physical Appearance: Long straight black hair covering half of her face, very pale skin, dark brown eyes, average height, skinny. Resembles a doll.
Speech Color: 6A420D
Last edited by WindBlqde on Fri Apr 26, 2019 1:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Pip McGee's Hunger Games III: Phase I (Reaping)

Postby PipMcGee » Fri Apr 26, 2019 5:19 am

WindBlqde wrote:/join

Player Name: WindBlqde
Tribute Name: Sage Alvin
Tribute Age: 13
Tribute Sex: Male
District of Origin: District 6
Token: A small locket, no pictures inside, just the word "Forever," It is from his mother, before she passed.
Reaping Information: Sage was chosen normally - he didn't need the rations and didn't particularly want to go to the Hunger Games.
Physical Appearance: Platinum blonde hair, bright blue eyes, pale skin, short, skinny, flexible, scrawny.
Speech Color: 2FADAD

Do we have to have three characters or is it just up to three characters?

Should I PM you the Private Form?

You need to have three characters.

You should PM me the private form.
Ï̸̡̧̛̖̭̹͇̠̫̹̏̉̉̈́̈̎͊̀̔͜͠ ̷͔̦͈͕̱͎͎̫̫́̏̂͐̀͘͝d̷̡̡͎̥͓̺͉͍͉͓͔͆͛̇̓̐͂̃͌́̚ǒ̷̪̘́̌͒̑̽̅n̴̡̥̝͓̠͈̟͓͕͛̿͑̒̽̀̃̎͘ͅ'̶̢̬̠̻̰̳͈̜̝́̾̐̇͌͆̏͘̚̚͝t̷͔̖̱͙̘̪̿̂͛́̎̒̂͋̚͝͠ ̴̢̡̬̠̰͎͕͇̙̼̾̾͌̈́̓̀̔̏͛̚͜ͅř̷̡̧͎̜̟͇̣̮̖̻̈́́͠ȅ̸̛̝̆͌̈́̃͆͗̿ā̴̻̳̫̦̰̔̅ḻ̶̯̼̱̬̰̰͆̀̓̓̌̒́̽̉̊͜͜l̸̟̍̊̌̈́͑͑̌̎̓̾̔̌ỳ̴̧̥̺̼͚͉̬̩̭̈́͊̐͜ ̵̢̺̞̲̱̩͙̬̑̅̅ͅe̶̙͙̫͙̊́̂̍́͑̆̚x̶̧͙̖̱̑͛̈̉ị̸̡̜̖͕̭͑̃͒̏̆̀̇̒̅͜ͅs̵̼̠͍̖̩̻̬̔t̴͍͙̜͎̘̂͝
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Re: Pip McGee's Hunger Games III: Phase I (Reaping)

Postby GrumpyGoomba » Fri Apr 26, 2019 10:50 am


Player Name: GrumpyGoomba
Tribute Name: Eric Winston
Tribute Age: 13
Tribute Sex: Male
District of Origin: District 9
Token: A pocket watch with the second hand missing. A memento from his late father
Reaping Information: Due to an unfortunate accident Eric's house burned down and he was the only survivor. He joined the Hunger games for survival.
Physical Appearance: Copper red shoulder length hair, sapphire blue eyes. Slightly pale complexion with an average build.
Speech Color: 400080

Player Name: GrumpyGoomba
Tribute Name: Laurene Serpente
Tribute Age: 12
Tribute Sex: Female
District of Origin: District 9
Token: A blade hilt with the head of a snake. A familial heirloom.
Reaping Information: No special case. Joined due to random chance.
Physical Appearance: Waist length blond hair, blue eyes, tiny build, fair complexion.
Speech Color:FFFF00

Player Name: GrumpyGoomba
Tribute Name: Regilus Cernova
Tribute Age: 17
Tribute Sex: Male
District of Origin: District 10
Token: A picture of 4 people including him with everyone except his face crossed out with a black marker.
Reaping Information: Regilus volunteered because he liked killing people and would like to do it in a way that won't get him in trouble with the law.
Physical Appearance: Messy black hair, dim red eyes, extremely pale, lithe build.
Speech Color:FF4040

Hope this is alright. Will send the private forms later in the day.
Last edited by GrumpyGoomba on Fri Apr 26, 2019 11:00 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Spoiler: Why did you click this spoiler?
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Re: Pip McGee's Hunger Games III: Phase I (Reaping)

Postby Seththeking » Fri Apr 26, 2019 2:33 pm


Player Name: Seththeking
Tribute Name: Dirk Gently
Tribute Age: 18
Tribute Sex: Male
District of Origin: District 8
Token: A Dog with a Human Spirit Bracelet
Reaping Information: A Holistic Detective wanting to try out for the hunger games
Physical Appearance: He has brown eyes, short brown hair, white skin, and is Average Sized.
Speech Color: BF8080

Player Name: Seththeking
Tribute Name: Sylis Graves
Tribute Age: 17
Tribute Sex: Male
District of Origin: District 12
Token: His Shades.
Reaping Information *: He Killed the Old Man by accident so volunteered as Tribute
Physical Appearance: He has Green eyes, Dark Brown hair, white skinned, and is medium sized
Speech Color: 000040

Player Name: Seththeking
Tribute Name: Vivien Reid
Tribute Age: 16
Tribute Sex: Female
District of Origin: District 11
Token: A Well crafted wooded Arrow that she refuses to use in combat .
Reaping Information: She was somehow brought into the situation randomly. Not else much is known.
Physical Appearance: She has pure white eyes, black hair, she’s Brown skin, and is average-sized
Speech Color: 004000
Last edited by Seththeking on Fri Apr 26, 2019 10:21 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Pip McGee's Hunger Games III: Phase I (Reaping)

Postby PipMcGee » Fri Apr 26, 2019 2:37 pm

Seththeking wrote:/Join

Player Name: Seththeking
Tribute Name: John Cena
Tribute Age: 28
Tribute Sex: Male
District of Origin: District 8
Token: WWE Championship
Reaping Information: He wanted to fight with Hustle, Loyalty and Respect!
Physical Appearance: He has brown eyes, brown hair, white muscular skin, and is John Cena Sized.
Speech Color: BF8080

Player Name: Seththeking
Tribute Name: Mike Rawch
Tribute Age: 18
Tribute Sex: Male
District of Origin: District 12
Token: A picture of his Crouch
Reaping Information *: He pulled down his pants showed everyone is Crouch and was forced to participate
Physical Appearance: He has Purple eyes, Green hair, white skinned, and is medium sized
Speech Color: 000040

Player Name: Seththeking
Tribute Name: Vivien Reid
Tribute Age: 19
Tribute Sex: Female
District of Origin: District 11
Token: A Well crafted wooded Arrow that she refuses to use in combat .
Reaping Information: She was somehow brought into the situation because she switched worlds.
Physical Appearance: She has pure white eyes, black hair, she’s Brown skin, and is average-sized
Speech Color: 004000

Tributes must be between the ages of 12 and 18. There are numerous other issues here.
Ï̸̡̧̛̖̭̹͇̠̫̹̏̉̉̈́̈̎͊̀̔͜͠ ̷͔̦͈͕̱͎͎̫̫́̏̂͐̀͘͝d̷̡̡͎̥͓̺͉͍͉͓͔͆͛̇̓̐͂̃͌́̚ǒ̷̪̘́̌͒̑̽̅n̴̡̥̝͓̠͈̟͓͕͛̿͑̒̽̀̃̎͘ͅ'̶̢̬̠̻̰̳͈̜̝́̾̐̇͌͆̏͘̚̚͝t̷͔̖̱͙̘̪̿̂͛́̎̒̂͋̚͝͠ ̴̢̡̬̠̰͎͕͇̙̼̾̾͌̈́̓̀̔̏͛̚͜ͅř̷̡̧͎̜̟͇̣̮̖̻̈́́͠ȅ̸̛̝̆͌̈́̃͆͗̿ā̴̻̳̫̦̰̔̅ḻ̶̯̼̱̬̰̰͆̀̓̓̌̒́̽̉̊͜͜l̸̟̍̊̌̈́͑͑̌̎̓̾̔̌ỳ̴̧̥̺̼͚͉̬̩̭̈́͊̐͜ ̵̢̺̞̲̱̩͙̬̑̅̅ͅe̶̙͙̫͙̊́̂̍́͑̆̚x̶̧͙̖̱̑͛̈̉ị̸̡̜̖͕̭͑̃͒̏̆̀̇̒̅͜ͅs̵̼̠͍̖̩̻̬̔t̴͍͙̜͎̘̂͝
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Re: Pip McGee's Hunger Games III: Phase I (Reaping)

Postby Seththeking » Fri Apr 26, 2019 2:43 pm

PipMcGee wrote:
Seththeking wrote:/Join

Player Name: Seththeking
Tribute Name: John Cena
Tribute Age: 28
Tribute Sex: Male
District of Origin: District 8
Token: WWE Championship
Reaping Information: He wanted to fight with Hustle, Loyalty and Respect!
Physical Appearance: He has brown eyes, brown hair, white muscular skin, and is John Cena Sized.
Speech Color: BF8080

Player Name: Seththeking
Tribute Name: Mike Rawch
Tribute Age: 18
Tribute Sex: Male
District of Origin: District 12
Token: A picture of his Crouch
Reaping Information *: He pulled down his pants showed everyone is Crouch and was forced to participate
Physical Appearance: He has Purple eyes, Green hair, white skinned, and is medium sized
Speech Color: 000040

Player Name: Seththeking
Tribute Name: Vivien Reid
Tribute Age: 19
Tribute Sex: Female
District of Origin: District 11
Token: A Well crafted wooded Arrow that she refuses to use in combat .
Reaping Information: She was somehow brought into the situation because she switched worlds.
Physical Appearance: She has pure white eyes, black hair, she’s Brown skin, and is average-sized
Speech Color: 004000

Tributes must be between the ages of 12 and 18. There are numerous other issues here.

Well what else needs changing?
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Re: Pip McGee's Hunger Games III: Phase I (Reaping)

Postby WindBlqde » Fri Apr 26, 2019 2:44 pm

Seththeking wrote:/Join

Player Name: Seththeking
Tribute Name: John Cena
Tribute Age: 28
Tribute Sex: Male
District of Origin: District 8
Token: WWE Championship
Reaping Information: He wanted to fight with Hustle, Loyalty and Respect!
Physical Appearance: He has brown eyes, brown hair, white muscular skin, and is John Cena Sized.
Speech Color: BF8080

Player Name: Seththeking
Tribute Name: Mike Rawch
Tribute Age: 18
Tribute Sex: Male
District of Origin: District 12
Token: A picture of his Crouch
Reaping Information *: He pulled down his pants showed everyone is Crouch and was forced to participate
Physical Appearance: He has Purple eyes, Green hair, white skinned, and is medium sized
Speech Color: 000040

Player Name: Seththeking
Tribute Name: Vivien Reid
Tribute Age: 19
Tribute Sex: Female
District of Origin: District 11
Token: A Well crafted wooded Arrow that she refuses to use in combat .
Reaping Information: She was somehow brought into the situation because she switched worlds.
Physical Appearance: She has pure white eyes, black hair, she’s Brown skin, and is average-sized
Speech Color: 004000

lol what is this

Also @PipMcGee I'm procrastinating sending you the other 2 private forms but will get them in soonish
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Re: Pip McGee's Hunger Games III: Phase I (Reaping)

Postby Chemist1422 » Fri Apr 26, 2019 2:58 pm

Official in for 7 male, 7 female, 11 male
mist ~ she/her

i guess this is goodbye?
(still here for danganronpa i guess)

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Re: Pip McGee's Hunger Games III: Phase I (Reaping)

Postby Seththeking » Fri Apr 26, 2019 3:14 pm

Chemist1422 wrote:Official in for 7 male, 7 female, 11 male

What about my characters?
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Re: Pip McGee's Hunger Games III: Phase I (Reaping)

Postby Chemist1422 » Fri Apr 26, 2019 3:23 pm

Seththeking wrote:
Chemist1422 wrote:Official in for 7 male, 7 female, 11 male

What about my characters?

None of them are in those spots
mist ~ she/her

i guess this is goodbye?
(still here for danganronpa i guess)

stop sending reports to me i'm not a tos game moderator
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Re: Pip McGee's Hunger Games III: Phase I (Reaping)

Postby Seththeking » Fri Apr 26, 2019 3:24 pm

Chemist1422 wrote:
Seththeking wrote:
Chemist1422 wrote:Official in for 7 male, 7 female, 11 male

What about my characters?

None of them are in those spots

What’s wrong with them?
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Re: Pip McGee's Hunger Games III: Phase I (Reaping)

Postby Chemist1422 » Fri Apr 26, 2019 3:29 pm

Seththeking wrote:
Chemist1422 wrote:
Seththeking wrote:
Chemist1422 wrote:Official in for 7 male, 7 female, 11 male

What about my characters?

None of them are in those spots

What’s wrong with them?

idk I’m not the host
mist ~ she/her

i guess this is goodbye?
(still here for danganronpa i guess)

stop sending reports to me i'm not a tos game moderator
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Re: Pip McGee's Hunger Games III: Phase I (Reaping)

Postby cupcakeaj2 » Fri Apr 26, 2019 4:34 pm

Player Name: Cupcakeaj2
Tribute Name: Liana Castile
Tribute Age: 13
Tribute Sex: Female
District of Origin: District 5
Token: A necklace with her district's seal on it
Reaping Information *: Liana joined the Hunger Games for nothing but money and fame.
Physical Appearance: Liana is short for her age but is pretty flexible. She has brownish skin and as a result of never cutting her hair, her hair the same length as her.
Speech Color: #00FFFF

Player Name: Cupcakeaj2
Tribute Name: Phonelle Francia
Tribute Age: 15
Tribute Sex: Female
District of Origin: District 6
Token: A small white human doll with no face or clothes
Reaping Information *: Phonelle's entire family was sent to an insane asylum a few days before the drawings for the tributes started. Phonelle joined for one reason: To die and escape her suffering or to win and free her family.
Physical Appearance: Phonelle is ghostly pale and due to a genetic mutation and some white dyes, her hair is white like an old person. She's tall and thin like a stick. She's also very scrawny.
Speech Color: #808080

Player Name: Cupcakeaj2
Tribute Name: Euphonia Byzantium
Tribute Age: 16
Tribute Sex: Female
District of Origin: District 8
Token: A blue marble attached to a thin but durable string
Reaping Information *: Euphonia replaced somebody she didn't even know out of the kindness of her own heart.
Physical Appearance: Euphonia has dark black hair, tanned skin, green eyes, and long arms and legs. She's of medium size
Speech Color: #BF0000
Spoiler: Repertoire

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Re: Pip McGee's Hunger Games III: Phase I (Reaping)

Postby PipMcGee » Fri Apr 26, 2019 7:49 pm

Seththeking wrote:
Chemist1422 wrote:
Seththeking wrote:
Chemist1422 wrote:Official in for 7 male, 7 female, 11 male

What about my characters?

None of them are in those spots

What’s wrong with them?

I now have time to tell you.

Your character John Cena, seems to literally be the professional wrestler with that name. Though records may exist of this person, in the world of Panem he is nothing more than a small note in history. He should not be a tribute in the Hunger Games.

Mike Rawch's very name seems to be a corruption of "My Crotch." This entire basis of the character cannot be. The information related to his selection would not put him in the Hunger Games, such behavior would be dealt with differently.

Vivien Reid technically may remain, although she must be a native of Panem and her own District.
Ï̸̡̧̛̖̭̹͇̠̫̹̏̉̉̈́̈̎͊̀̔͜͠ ̷͔̦͈͕̱͎͎̫̫́̏̂͐̀͘͝d̷̡̡͎̥͓̺͉͍͉͓͔͆͛̇̓̐͂̃͌́̚ǒ̷̪̘́̌͒̑̽̅n̴̡̥̝͓̠͈̟͓͕͛̿͑̒̽̀̃̎͘ͅ'̶̢̬̠̻̰̳͈̜̝́̾̐̇͌͆̏͘̚̚͝t̷͔̖̱͙̘̪̿̂͛́̎̒̂͋̚͝͠ ̴̢̡̬̠̰͎͕͇̙̼̾̾͌̈́̓̀̔̏͛̚͜ͅř̷̡̧͎̜̟͇̣̮̖̻̈́́͠ȅ̸̛̝̆͌̈́̃͆͗̿ā̴̻̳̫̦̰̔̅ḻ̶̯̼̱̬̰̰͆̀̓̓̌̒́̽̉̊͜͜l̸̟̍̊̌̈́͑͑̌̎̓̾̔̌ỳ̴̧̥̺̼͚͉̬̩̭̈́͊̐͜ ̵̢̺̞̲̱̩͙̬̑̅̅ͅe̶̙͙̫͙̊́̂̍́͑̆̚x̶̧͙̖̱̑͛̈̉ị̸̡̜̖͕̭͑̃͒̏̆̀̇̒̅͜ͅs̵̼̠͍̖̩̻̬̔t̴͍͙̜͎̘̂͝
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Re: Pip McGee's Hunger Games III: Phase I (Reaping)

Postby Seththeking » Fri Apr 26, 2019 7:51 pm

PipMcGee wrote:
Seththeking wrote:
Chemist1422 wrote:
Seththeking wrote:
Chemist1422 wrote:Official in for 7 male, 7 female, 11 male

What about my characters?

None of them are in those spots

What’s wrong with them?

I now have time to tell you.

Your character John Cena, seems to literally be the professional wrestler with that name. Though records may exist of this person, in the world of Panem he is nothing more than a small note in history. He should not be a tribute in the Hunger Games.

Mike Rawch's very name seems to be a corruption of "My Crotch." This entire basis of the character cannot be. The information related to his selection would not put him in the Hunger Games, such behavior would be dealt with differently.

Vivien Reid technically may remain, although she must be a native of Panem and her own District.

Alright I’ll Rework Mike And John to someone else.
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