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Report ID: 3751239
Reported User: ryclipz
Report Submitted: Aug. 06, 2022 6:49 pm
# of reporters: 4
Reported Reason: Gamethrowing
Details: D4
Day 4, admitted to gamethrowing.
never posted will or did role once, wanted town dead and admitted they were throwing and wanted to be hung
LobbyEdwardKonnigschwarze: PineapplewithpizzaEdwardKonnigschwarze: do you play shPugglesaurusRex: if you get town USE YOUR BRAINPugglesaurusRex: thanksPlayers are choosing namesLeman: LemanMelody: i dont have a brain to useBritta: whats shHyena: Town don't use your brainLemon: LemonLemen: LemenLemin: LeminLeman: LemanDay 1Lomon: LomonJester: lag anyone??Lemin: LeminJester: gad damnWilliam Hobbs: I hate this roleLomon: x2Jester: mafia please kl meLemon: LemonDiscruptor has left the game.Leman: Leman claim D1Jester: im not vetJester: kill meNight 1Lemen: good luckTransporter swapped Fierdrag with Jester.Spitta investigated Lemen.Jester investigated Lemon.Day 2Discruptor has been killed.Lemen to Lomon: fake one, claimBritta to Gottstarkiller: role?Leman: Leman claim D2Fierdrag: transdLemen: LemenLomon: Spy N1 (B) 9 (mv) Gottars (cv) Lomon and JohnLemin: LeminSpitta: 3 claim nowJester: kill meLemen to Lomon: alr u goodLomon: Spy N1 (B) 9 (mv) Gottars (cv) Lomon and JohnJester: PLEASE FUCKING KILL MEBritta: Britta the Sheriff N1| 15 suspiciousSpitta: 3 claimBritta: up 15Spitta: nowLemon to Gottstarkiller: what is your roleLemen: im investSpitta: N1 Lemen (Framer,Vamp,Jest,HM)Jester: can I please die now thanksSpitta: no youre notLemen: i asked 13 their roleBritta: Britta the Sheriff N1| 15 suspiciousLemen: i am thoughSpitta: post willLemen: shitty exe play ongSpitta: its 1 for 1Spitta: vLemin: Shut up exeLemen: can i write it???????? jesus fucking christBritta: up 15 townSpitta: N1 Lemen (Framer,Vamp,Jest,HM)Jester: hang 14Britta: dont be dumbLemen: 13 came up as spy resultsJester: hang me pleaseSpitta: vote 3Lomon: Spy N1 (B) 9 (mv) Gottars (cv) Lomon and JohnJester: HANG MEBritta: Britta: Britta the Sheriff N1| 15 suspiciousJester: NO HANG MELemen to Spitta: shitty exe play LJester: HANG MEHBritta: 15 wont claimLomon: 7 is mafioso pribsBritta: town VOTELomon: probsDefenseLeman to Jester: what are youJester to Leman: im not claiming I want to dieJudgementJohn Willard to Jester: roleJester to John Willard: im not claiming I want to dieSpitta voted guilty.Hyena voted guilty.Lemin abstained.Britta voted guilty.John Willard voted guilty.Lemen voted guilty.Fierdrag voted guilty.jesauce abstained.Lemon voted guilty.Jester voted guilty.William Hobbs abstained.Leman voted guilty.Lomon voted guilty.John Willard to Jester: i can kill uLeman: LemanJester to John Willard: yes pleaseGottstarkiller has been lynched.Lomon: Crusader on me i dont want to be killed by 7Lemen: LemenJohn Willard to Lomon: okGottstarkiller: 8s mafSpitta: N1 Lemen (Framer,Vamp,Jest,HM)Jester to John Willard: i couldnt give a damn ur roleSpitta: is there any other invest can confirm that 3 is evilLemen: 4 get a better exe playSpitta: N1 Lemen (Framer,Vamp,Jest,HM)Jester to John Willard: jus kill meNight 2Lemen: ughhhhhHyena: 12 is transFierdrag: ima say your innoLemen: is that mafioso?Lemen: 7?Fierdrag: also crus on youLemen: pogTransporter swapped Britta with Leman.CovenLeader made Leman target William Hobbs.Necromancer made Discruptor target Lemen.Spitta investigated jesauce.Day 3Spitta has been killed.Spitta was attacked by the Mafia.William Hobbs has been killed.William Hobbs was attacked by a Vigilante.Lemen: huh not an exe just a dumbass then aight, also whoever said 7 was mafia may be right bc-Fierdrag: Fierdrag the Sheriff N1-2(inno) transd N2-3(inno)Lemen: N2: Britta (Vig/Vet/Maf/Pirate/Amb)Hyena: nice aim vigJester: WHY AM I NOT DEAD, YOU GUYS ARE FUCKING USELESSLomon: Tonight (b) 12 (mv) William Lemon (cv) Leman x2 and 15 (necro)Britta: i was transedLemon: There is a framerFierdrag: 3 was hexed/framedJohn Willard: vig shot owrongLeman: Guys, witch found me so hang meLemen: oh theres a necro?Jester: KILL ME ALREADYLemen: shidLomon: 7 is mafioso and theres a necromancerWilliam Hobbs has left the game.Lomon: Tonight (b) 12 (mv) William Lemon (cv) Leman x2 and 15 (necro)Leman: I am the vigiLeman: CL found meLomon: get 7 he is mafiosoBritta: LOMON I AM NOT MAFIOSOBritta: Britta the Sheriff N1| 15 suspicious N2| 1 suspiciousLomon: nahLomon: get 7Fierdrag: thats alotta sus 7Jester: KILL ME, HANG 14Leman: 7 is fake asfBritta: wtfJester: DO IT. OWW HANG MEHFierdrag: 7jest?Leman: he found arso susLeman: hes jestDefenseJester to Britta: if ur jest can u haunt meGottstarkiller has left the game.Britta: Lemen: N2: Britta (Vig/Vet/Maf/Pirate/Amb) wtf?JudgementLemen: 7 claimed to be transported, so if theres a transporter they need to come out so we dont hang the wrong dudeLeman: GUYS CL FOUND ME AND I AM VIGILomon: not jester guilty this thisFierdrag: let vigi shoot instead inno thisJester to Britta: are u?John Willard: n1 5 14 N2 7 10Hyena: faking jestBritta to Jester: noJohn Willard: itransed 7Britta: innoLomon: GUIILTY THISLemin: let vigi shootJester: no guilty this so he can haunt meJohn Willard: into 10Fierdrag: inno and up 1Britta: INNOLemen: with whoFierdrag: as vigiFierdrag: with clJester: INNO AND HANG MEHyena voted innocent.John Willard voted innocent.Leman voted innocent.Lemon voted innocent.Jester voted innocent.Lomon voted guilty.Fierdrag voted innocent.Lemin abstained.jesauce abstained.Lemen voted innocent.Lomon: ...Britta: THANKSJester: VOTE 14Lomon: Tonight (b) 12 (mv) William Lemon (cv) Leman x2 and 15 (necro)Lemen: why the spyLemen: ?Fierdrag: 1 is vigi rightLomon: =/Fierdrag: with cl game?Leman: Or am I vigi?Leman: Who knowsJester: if im not dead tonight im going to crash the gameBritta: Britta the Sheriff N1| 15 suspicious N2| 1 suspiciousLemen: shid u rightJester: i will crash the game if im not deadLeman: 7 is jest btwJester: istgLomon: crusader on meLemen: RUN VIGI RUN LIKE THE WIN BROTHERLomon: 7 is mafiosoLemin: im remember survNight 3Spitta: Spitta - InvestigatorN1 Lemen (Framer,Vamp,Jest,HM)N2 jesauce (Doc,Disg,SK,PM)Lemen: here we goHyena: 1 is getting transportedHyena: soLemen: hmmmHyena: 12 diesLemen: control 6Fierdrag: anyone you want investigatedHyena: invest someone who hasn't claimedTransporter swapped jesauce with John Willard.Necromancer made Spitta target Jester.Spitta investigated Jester.Day 4John Willard has been killed.John Willard was attacked by the Coven Leader.Britta has left the game.Lemen to Lemin: in case i missed it whatd you claim?jesauce has been killed.jesauce was attacked by the Mafia.Lemin to Leman: anme but i rember survLemen to Lemin: wrong lemon-Leman to Lemin: Okay brotherJohn Willard: mehBritta has been killed.Britta was attacked by a Vigilante.Lemen to Lemin: help theres so many of usLemin to Leman: so many lemioansLemin has remembered they were Survivor.Leman: Who would have gussed he was jestJester: ok im throwing the game cuz im not dead yetLemen: 12 told me it was 7 and 1 they moved n2 not 7 and 10, but didnt even change his will?Lomon: Tonight (b)1 (mv)Lemon Hyena (cv) Lemin John SprittaLemin: Hey guysLemin: im survivior nowJester: im with the mafia or coven nowJester: throwing cuz im not deadHyena: So I got disguisedLomon: 5 role?Leman: 2, 5 and 14 have to goHyena: 8 roleLemin: i assume the coven visit was a potion master reveal or a hex maybeLeman: then we can all be a fmailyLomon: 5 roleJester: unless I get hung today im siding with mafia or covenLemin: idkFierdrag: Fierdrag the Sheriff N1-2(inno) transd N2-3(inno) N3-7(inno)Lomon: nahJohn Willard has left the game.Jester: YES I DO HAVE TO GO SO PLEASE KILL MELemon: I'm TILemin: oh my god shut up jesterHyena: 8 post willFierdrag: 8 post willLemon: Lemon The Sherrif N1- w(15) Susp N2- w(4) Susp - Framer probs N3- w(9) NS/GFDefenseLomon to Fierdrag: are you coven or mafia?Jester to Lemin: kill me and I wont speak foreverLemon: Evil maj i thinkLemon: im dead meatLemon: glJester to Lemin: fucking numb nutsFierdrag to Lomon: neitherLemon: Lemon The Sherrif N1- w(15) Susp N2- w(4) Susp - Framer probs N3- w(9) NS/GFJudgementHyena: 4 was invest...Lemen: arsonist doesnt show suspicious and neither does investigator, thats your downfallLomon to Fierdrag: you cant lie to meHyena: rip youLemon: he was investJester to Lemin: u guys are useless, cant kill me even if I wannaFierdrag to Lomon: yeah as im notLemon: there is framerLemen: if youre really town im sorryLomon to Fierdrag: are you mafia or covenLemen: ill innoLemon: I amLemon: inno thisFierdrag to Lomon: neitherLemin: jester is being annoyinghLemen voted innocent.Lemin voted guilty.Leman voted innocent.Hyena voted guilty.Lomon voted innocent.Jester voted innocent.Fierdrag voted guilty.Jester: HANG ME NOWHyena: excuse meJester: ALL PPL ON 14Lemen: let the jest win cmonJester: YES YESLemin: dontLemin: they dont deserve itJester: NOOOOLomon: 5 is evilLemen: evils are doodooNight 4Lemen: skreeHyena: let the vig shoot the mafLemen: haha hex bomb momentsHyena: who are hexedLemen: 9 and 13CovenLeader made Leman target Lemon.Necromancer made Gottstarkiller target Jester.Day 5Lemen: KEKEKEKEKEKEKEKELemin: JesusJester: hex bombLemon: what the fuckJester: niceLemen has been killed.Lemen was attacked by the Mafia.Hyena to Fierdrag: damn hm is deadLeman: lmaoLemin: fucking hex mastersLemon: solo mafiosoFierdrag to Hyena: ggLeman has left the game.Lomon has left the game.Hyena to Fierdrag: ggHyena to Fierdrag: sacrifices must be doneLemin has been killed.Lemin was attacked by Hex Master.Jester: I was invest u dumb fucksJester: not jestLemon: you fucked up the whole chatJester: I just hated the roleLemon: why dummyLemen: sir you never once posted and only ever told us to hang youLemin: Report jester for gamethrowing?Jester has been killed.Jester was attacked by Hex Master.Lemen: so that makes you the dumb fuckLemen: yeah report him for throwing if hes fr investJester: town never wins this anyoneLemin: still throwingJester: it aint even throwing anymoreLeman has been killed.Leman was attacked by the Coven Leader.Leman was attacked by Hex Master.Jester: anyway cyaLemin: It by definiton isJester has left the game.Lemin: nerdLemon has been killed.Lemon was attacked by a Vigilante.Lomon has been killed.Lomon was attacked by Hex Master.Lemen: 13 you were actual spy?????Lemen: bro your will was wrong the whole gameLemen: what da hellGameOverCoven has won.Hyena: why did 3 inno the mafioso?Fierdrag: ggLemen: ggLemin: ggLemen: i wanted to bombEnd of Report
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