Patch Notes 1.2.1

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Patch Notes 1.2.1

Postby shapesifter13 » Thu Sep 17, 2015 10:34 pm

Hey Townies,

Another patch day has come along and brought along some cool things with it. This patch adds a new and improved chat filter, two new pets, a new skin, some changes to the waterwheel, promotions, and opt-in ads.

Details for everything new can be found below!


Improved Chat Filter!
* The new chat filter has two tiers of words that are filtered. The first tier contains only the absolutely terrible words such as racial slurs, homophobic slurs, etc. The words in this first tier of the chat filter are completely rejected, and the game will not send that message. If you continue to try to send these message your account will be automatically suspended. The second tier is where the optional part of this filter comes into play. The second tier of the filter contains words that are the words that can be seen as "bad" depending on your views, but these words are not removed all together or replaced with *s, they are instead replaced with different words.

New Characters
* The Jailor is getting a skin this patch, and he is called the Warden. All of you Jailors out there can now now throw those villains in your jail house with your Jailor skin.

New Pets
* Two new pets are coming with this patch, and both are dinosaurs. We have the T-Rex, and the Triceratops.

Waterwheel Changes
* A portion of the time spent at the Role Selection screen has been moved to the Name Selection screen.

* This patch brings an interesting shop feature. The game will now give players special promotions that will give you certain premade bundles that may, or may not be available in the shop normally for a discounted price, but can only be purchased with real money. Players can only receive these promotions once every 24 hours.

Opt-in Ads
* There is now an option to view video ads and you can win up to 100 Town Points. To win Town Points, click the coin button found under the achievements button.

New Report Button
* You can now state the reason why you reported someone, such as harassment, or vulgar language. You can also make comments to go along with the report now.
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Re: Patch Notes 1.2.1

Postby TurdPile » Fri Sep 18, 2015 1:50 pm

Discuss this patch here: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=29839&p=874642
I have mostly rescinded my role as Admin.

All previous contact should instead be redirected to Flavorable.

If your inquiry doesn't directly have to do with Trial 2.0 or TrialBot, then please refrain from messaging.

Thank you.
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